Tranquille ER #29 Plant List 2014

This plant list was submitted by the BC Parks Thompson Grasslands Area Supervisor–Thompson Cariboo Region:  Amanda Roy-Weber. TYPE TYPE FAMILIES FAMILIES COMMON NAME COMMON NAME SPECIES SPECIES DATE DATE DETAILS DETAILS TREES Pine Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa Aug. 21, 2012 Dead standing trees near fenceline fenceline           felled by BC Parks

Tranquille Ecological Reserve #29, Wardens report January 3, 2014

Ecological Reserve warden’s Annual Report for 2013 Ecological Reserve name; #29, Tranquille. Report date; January 3, 2014 Warden’s name; Joan Best Number of volunteer hours logged; 37 Mileage; 360 Extent of Reserve visited; all the lower reaches and part-way up the cliff bases. Not yet the complete network of gullies. Entire fence checked. New species

How To Manage Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems In BC’s Protected Areas After The Pine Beetle

This presentation  was given in December 2013 by  Alan Vyse of  Thompson Rivers University at the BC Protected Areas Research Forum, BCPARF 2013 – December 3-5th at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops BC. It is presented here as it represents research done in part in Tranquille Ecological Reserve Abstract: Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) ecosystems are

Tranquille Ecological Reserve #29 Warden’s Report for 2012 by Joan Best

Ecological Reserve Name; #29, Tranquille.     Report Date; November 30, 2013 Warden’s name; Joan Best.      Number of volunteer hours logged; 40         Mileage; 400 kilometres Extent of the Reserve visited; Not yet in its entirety.  Initially, almost all of my time was spent on fence repair.  After the Kitamuras became wardens, more exploration was carried out. 

Tranquille Ecological Reserve Overview: Physical and Biological

ORIGINAL PURPOSE Preservation of representative ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir ecosystems in a prominent interior valley Physical: This reserve, located on the north side of the Thompson River valley, has two distinct landforms. Its northeastern half consists of steep, gullied slopes which drop away sharply from the Red Plateau to the north. These have much exposed

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from

Grassland Ecology and Classification Symposium Proceedings, 1982

Poster Session: Characteristics and Distribution of Chernozemic soils in the Ashcroft map area. by M.  Fenger The objective  of this paper  used to describe the topographic and geographic distribution of the Chernozemic great groups and some selected subgroups within the Ashcroft map area. Chernozemic soils are not extensive within British Columbia; the Ashcroft map area