
Tranquille Ecological Reserve #29 Warden’s report-2012

Posted November 25, 2013 | Categories : 29,Warden Reports |

Ecological Reserve #29 Tranquille    Warden’s Report  2012

Amanda Weber-Roy,  the BC Parks Thompson Grasslands Area Supervisor, Thompson Cariboo Region forwarded his report. She notes “Please find attached the second 2012 report for the Tranquille ER.  The Tranquille ER is blessed to have three ER Wardens who visit the ER at different times and conduct similar, but sometimes different activities.  Hence, the reason for two reports for the ER.”

  Date   Apr. 27, 2012              June, Kats Kitamura met Eric McAlary, former Warden for Tranquille Reserve from 1986-2006.                            Time: 2.0 hrs  Reviewed History, Management, Annual Reports,  Fires, Plants, Mammal, and Reptiles

Apr. 30, 2012          June, Kats Kitamura, Joan Best, and Eric McAlary toured west fence. Eric gave overview of Reserve.                          2.0 hrs
Joan gave history.

Aug. 21, 2012             June, Kats Kitamura, Joan Best, Tod Haughton,

Area Supervisor, B. C. Parks, MOE; Kirk Densmore,

Senior Park Ranger B. C. Parks, MOE; Cindy Haddow,

Range Specialist, MOE; Sarma Liepins, MOE;                          6.0 hrs

Mandy Ross, TRU Grad Student; and, Jeff  ,B. C. Parks set a Grassland Monitoring Transect, Recorded % plants, rocks, etc.  Tod and Kirk felled dead trees in vicinity of transect area prior to placing transect.


Sept. 18, 2012            June, Kats Kitamura signed Promissory Agreement for officially becoming Volunteer Wardens for #29 Tranquille Reserve with Kirk Densmore, Joan Best present.  Toured the reserve-noted Big Horn Sheep droppings, a few young            5.0 hrs

Ponderosa Pines browsed upon, Ponderosa Pines tagged by Alan Vyse for his pine beetle studies, old garbage dump, Agri-Canada barbed wire exclosure in disrepair.  Drove to MOE office on Dalhousie to receive hats and volunteer business cards.


Oct. 7, 2012                June, Kats Kitamura, Joan Best walked west fence noting trees fallen & wrecked fence at GPS 10 678070 E and 56 25749 N. -picked up garbage, mostly chips of clay pigeons at SW corner of reserve.  Walked east fence noting           6.5 hrs

fence posts burned & fallen at GPS 10 760073 E and 56 257 23 N to GPS 10 671723 E and 56 205 71 N

-Began cutting, coiling, and cleaning barbed wire debris from enclosure of Agriculture UBC experiment done in 1950’s.

Oct. 28, 2012              June, Kats Kitamura, Joan Best walked west fence.  Noted dead tree removed from west fence.  Cut, coiled, and                         5.0 hrs
gathered barbed wire from B. C. Agriculture Exclosure.                   __Total    26.5 hrs

Kats & June Kitamura         Total Distance Travelled 240 km.

Nov. 25, 2013