Funding for Research
Funding for Research
Each year, the Friends of Ecological Reserves welcomes applications for funding in support of biological and ecological research related to ecological reserves in British Columbia.
See these examples of FoER funding research on Ecological reserves
Applications should include:
- title of research project
- name of applicant(s)
- mailing address of applicant
- institutional (college or university) affiliation
- a brief description of the research and its relationship to ecological reserves in BC
- any other pertinent details
- two letters of reference supporting the project
Financial information should include:
- total budget required for project, with an indication of contributions from other sources
- amount requested from FER
Note: If the project is a multi-year proposal, provide an indication of how the project is to be supported/funded through its duration. Applications will be judged on the merit of the project, the financial viability of the project and the financial need of the applicant. Research grants are generally between $500-$2000. As a condition of award, applicants are asked to submit regular reports on their research findings and may be required to present a public lecture on their research. Applications for funding for the current calendar year should be received by January 31st. Send applications to: Friends of Ecological Reserves PO Box 8477 Stn Central Victoria BC V8W 3S1