Letter sent to Gulf Island National Parks Advisory Committee with regard to former ERs on Brackman and Saturna Islands

Letter from The Friends of Ecological Reserves To Gulf Islands National Park Advisory Board                    December 5th 2012 Re: Gulf Islands Parks plan and management of former Ecological Reserves on Saturna and Brackman Islands. This letter is a request from Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER) to the advisory board to use the boundaries of former ERs

Friends Support for Research

Here are a few examples of how the Friends of Ecological Reserves has provided  research grants to support biological and ecological research projects related to ecological reserves in British Columbia. Some of the projects that have or are being supported are profiled below. What Lies Below at Baeria Rocks Ecological Reserve 2016 : The Friends

Research Compendium, A summary of research conducted in Gulf I slands National Park Reserve 2003-2009

Research Compendium, A summary of research conducted in Gulf I slands National Park Reserve 2003-2009 http://amandaptaylor.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/ginpr_research_compendium.pdf Reference is made to research done in two Ecological Reserves in the Gulf Islands area ,#121 Brackman and # 15 Saturna, both with reserves now incorporated into the Gulf Islands Marine Park . Also One paper refers to Mount

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/HFD/library/documents/bib32374.pdf Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from

Fragments: management, protection, and restoration proposals for thirteen ecological reserves in British Columbia.

Ingram, G.B. June,1981. The Executive summary and index only are included in this PDF. The details of the Book it is from are below: See the PDF  contaning the Executive Summary:  ingram-1981-fragments-management-protection-and-restoration-proposals-for-thirteen-ecological-reserves-in-british-columbia Bibliographic information Title Fragments: Management, Protection, and Restoration Proposals for Thirteen Ecological Reserves in British Columbia, Canada Author G. Brent Ingram Contributor British

Virgin Douglas Fir on Saturna Island: 1979

T.P Sullivan published a paper on a survey of Saturna Island Ecological reserve provided a description of its virgin Douglas Fir  (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forest.  The vegetation was quantitatively analyzed with respect to structure and composition. The tree strata dominated the structure of this reserve followed secondarily by the low shrub ad bryophyte strata. Pseudotsuga menziesii