The Life and Legacy of Harvey Janszen
This presentation was made by Andrew Simon and Pam Janszen at the AGM of Friends of Ecological Reserves, April 21,2022 PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 Part1 Part2
This presentation was made by Andrew Simon and Pam Janszen at the AGM of Friends of Ecological Reserves, April 21,2022 PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 Part1 Part2
Letter from The Friends of Ecological Reserves To Gulf Islands National Park Advisory Board December 5th 2012 Re: Gulf Islands Parks plan and management of former Ecological Reserves on Saturna and Brackman Islands. This letter is a request from Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER) to the advisory board to use the boundaries of former ERs
On Saturday, November 3, 2012, FER Board members and friends took a field trip to what was once called the Saturna Island Ecological Reserve # 15. Pam and Harvey Janszen previously were wardens for the reserve and were our guides. Below are some photos taken that day by Fred Beinhauer with the names of mushrooms provided by
From : Todd Golumbia, Ecologist Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, March 2012 Since the Park was established, we have undertaken ecosystem mapping of the southern gulf islands including these areas. Both ERs have field plot data for the mapping but it not extracted from the larger data set. We have also done flora surveys on
Here are a few examples of how the Friends of Ecological Reserves has provided research grants to support biological and ecological research projects related to ecological reserves in British Columbia. Some of the projects that have or are being supported are profiled below. What Lies Below at Baeria Rocks Ecological Reserve 2016 : The Friends
The Friends of Ecological reserves maintains that the baseline work done on Ecological Reserves now ceded by the province to Parks Canada justifies them as still being recognized as special research areas and it is hoped that they will be designated as such. Research Projects on Brackman Island, former ER #121, and Saturna Island, #15
Research Compendium, A summary of research conducted in Gulf I slands National Park Reserve 2003-2009 Reference is made to research done in two Ecological Reserves in the Gulf Islands area ,#121 Brackman and # 15 Saturna, both with reserves now incorporated into the Gulf Islands Marine Park . Also One paper refers to Mount
One of the problems of the biological integrity of natural ecosystems onseveral of the Gulf Islands is the overpopulation and overgrazing by Feral Goats. These goats arrived in the last century or earlier, brought by ship for provisioning of the local residents. They have escaped captivity many years ago and without any natural predators to
Pam Janszen did several years of research on the fungi in the Saturna Island Ecological reserve with the financial support of The Friends of Ecological reserve. Her images are produced here, and also serve as an excellent illustrated species list.
Ecological Reserve 15, Saturna Island, Terrestrial Ecosystem Inventory, by Harvey Janszen, 2001 For access to the complete report please click on this link to the file ER15TE. In the summer of 1996 the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks undertook a project to inventory the untenured Crown land of Saturna Island for a proposed woodlot license
This map is included in the 2001 annual report on Fungi by Harvey and Pam Janszen
Introduction : By Pam Janszen This research project began in August of 1997 when I was granted permission to do fungal inventory and research work in Winter Cove Provincial Park and Ecological Reserve # 15, both on Saturna Island. Since that time I have made 87 trips into the Reserve and 61 trips to the
This report was done by the Ecological reserve wardens, the Janszens janszen_1999_annual_fungi_report-ocr
This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the location of this important document. It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from
The Overview of the Ecological reserve NE. of Warburton Pike, southern tip of Saturna island. Map surveyed by T.M. C. Taylor and T.C. Brayshaw.
Ingram, G.B. June,1981. The Executive summary and index only are included in this PDF. The details of the Book it is from are below: See the PDF contaning the Executive Summary: ingram-1981-fragments-management-protection-and-restoration-proposals-for-thirteen-ecological-reserves-in-british-columbia Bibliographic information Title Fragments: Management, Protection, and Restoration Proposals for Thirteen Ecological Reserves in British Columbia, Canada Author G. Brent Ingram Contributor British
Map showing the location of research plots for the Fungi study by by Janszen 2001
T.P Sullivan published a paper on a survey of Saturna Island Ecological reserve provided a description of its virgin Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forest. The vegetation was quantitatively analyzed with respect to structure and composition. The tree strata dominated the structure of this reserve followed secondarily by the low shrub ad bryophyte strata. Pseudotsuga menziesii