South Coast Ecological Reserves in BC

Vancouver Area( South Coast) Wardens and Parks  staff meeting at the BC Parks office in Surrey. February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 Fraser Room, South Coast Ministry of Environment office, 2nd floor, 10470 152nd Street, Surrey 1. Welcome and Introductions (Joanna Hirner, Conservation Specialist, BC Parks) BC Parks Update BC Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer

Skihist ER Cliffs from a geocaching location

This article is taken from the geocaching website: webpage: These cliffs are situated across the Thompson River from Hwy 1 just north east of Lytton BC.  They are located in the Skihist Ecological Reserve which is not accessible by car and you  MAY NOT enter the reserve without a permit.  The cache location gives

Karen Willies retires as Warden of Skihist ER

Karen Willies has been the ER Warden at the Skihist Ecological Reserve, near Lytton, since 1986. Her stewardship of the area is evident in her thorough inventories of plants and animals found in the reserve, her comprehensive annual reports, and her ability to identify issues which may negatively impact the protected area. After twenty-five years,

Litter decomposition in B.C. forests: controlling factors and influences of forestry activities

We  recently received the following email from Dr. Cindy Prescott , Professor of Forest Ecology and Ecological Restoration at UBC: ”  I attach the paper that presents the results of this experiment comparing rates of decomposition of litter in BEC zones. I used Ecological Reserves – Trout Creek and Skihist – for the Ponderosa Pine

Skhist ER # 92 Physical and Biological Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To conserve undisturbed ponderosa pine-grassland vegetation. The following is from the BC Parks report. Physical:  The reserve is in the bottom of the deeply incised the river cuts westward through the north end of the Cascade Range to join the Fraser. It consists of gently sloping benchlands which give way to steep, gullied

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from

Fragments: management, protection, and restoration proposals for thirteen ecological reserves in British Columbia.

Ingram, G.B. June,1981. The Executive summary and index only are included in this PDF. The details of the Book it is from are below: See the PDF  contaning the Executive Summary:  ingram-1981-fragments-management-protection-and-restoration-proposals-for-thirteen-ecological-reserves-in-british-columbia Bibliographic information Title Fragments: Management, Protection, and Restoration Proposals for Thirteen Ecological Reserves in British Columbia, Canada Author G. Brent Ingram Contributor British