South Coast Ecological Reserves in BC

Vancouver Area( South Coast) Wardens and Parks  staff meeting at the BC Parks office in Surrey. February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 Fraser Room, South Coast Ministry of Environment office, 2nd floor, 10470 152nd Street, Surrey 1. Welcome and Introductions (Joanna Hirner, Conservation Specialist, BC Parks) BC Parks Update BC Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer

(Brackendale Eagles Park,) Baynes Island ER (Tantalus Park) Management Plan, 2012

The latest BC Parks Management Plan Baynes Island Ecological Reserve protects the black cottonwood floodplain ecosystem. Recreation is not encouraged on Baynes Island but opportunities for scientific study and research are permitted to enhance scientific knowledge of low elevation coastal floodplain ecology. For the full PDF  see: bebit_mp-1 Excerpts of the Plan are provided here:

Baynes Island, Biological and Physical Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE: To preserve floodplain cottonwood stands for purposes of hybridization and stock improvement Biological: Baynes Island, except for narrow gravel bars at its perimeter, is completely forested. One community of shrubs and four forest communities have been described. Shrub stands, of limited extent, are dominated by the tall shrubs Pacific willow and Pacific ninebark.

Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park Background Document BC Parks.. 1999

Introduction: This report has been prepared to provide natural, cultural, and recreational information to assist the management planning process for Brackendale Eagle Provincial Park. Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park is located on the west side of the Squamish River, near the community of Brackendale, B.C., approximately 70 km. north of Vancouver (Figure 1). It is 755

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from