Volunteer to Help!
Friends of Ecological Reserves is a volunteer driven organization. In addition to Ecological Reserve Wardens and more members, we need volunteers to:
- lead Field Trips
- create/donate artwork for artistic placemats, posters and other fund-raising products
- staff our booth at various ecologically oriented events
- serve on the executive.
- Liaison with School/College an University groups can help promote education and research on an eco- reserve. Offering to help arrange eco-reserve tours and promote research projects is invaluable.
- Start up an “Adopt an Ecological Reserve “ Project. Proper liaison with the warden and connection with educational institutions and promotion of stewardship within the reserve can be beneficial to all, and can leave a long lasting legacy with students.
- Volunteer to help in fundraising to help support research on the reserves.
- Write articles for the newsletter, The Log.
If you have an interest in the environment and would like to volunteer with Friends of Ecological Reserves, please write to us at our email address.
Click here for a list of Ecological Reserves needing wardens.
Click here to learn more about Friends of Ecological Reserves.
BC Parks also maintains a website on its volunteers and you may find a BC Park near you which could benefit from your stewardship.
In September 2012, BC Parks issued “The BC Parks Volunteer Strategy 2012-2015″