Vance Creek ER ..An Ecological Reserve as an Outdoor Classroom

An  Ecological Reserve as an Outdoor Classroom by Harold Sellers Vance Creek Ecological Reserve was visited this past September by a group of high school students from Vernon. Rob Buchanan is a teacher at Clarence Fulton Secondary School in Vernon, where he leads the Awaken Inquiry Adventure Okanagan(AIAO) program. There are  about 30 students in

Ecological Reserves management issues gap Analysis Survey -2021

PDF version: ER Management Issues Gap Analysis Summary update Feb 15 2021 Citation: Feick, Jenny L. Jan. 2021. Ecological Reserves Management Issues Gap Analysis Summary January 2021 Update. Victoria, B.C., Friends of Ecological Reserves, unpublished report. Acknowledgements: This report and the data analysis that supports it were prepared by Jenny Feick and Ian Hatter with

Trout Creek ER : Wardens Report Oct 10, 2016

On 10/9/2016 4:28 PM, Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell wrote: mild at 9c with little wind, and overcast sky and some sunshine. Needless to say it was very quiet. I heard 6 species of forest birds, except for one migrating Ruby-crowned Kinglet( Regulus calendula), more of a deciduous,riparian specialist. there were no insects and only

Trout Creek ER Management Plan, 2016

BC Parks is indebted to Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell for his years of dedication in monitoring and record collection in Trout Creek Ecological Reserve. Further thanks to ecologist Don Gayton and environmental consultant Alison Peatt for providing additional information on landscape features and characteristics of the ecological reserve. Jeremy Hiebert allowed permission to use

Warden’s Report- Trout Creek Ecological Reserve June 7 2015

Warden’s Report by Laurie Rockwell I was in the reserve by 5am for my monthly tour,but by 6am it was already 18c with only a periodic,refreshing breeze. I saw or heard 17 species of birds including 5 blue-listed Gray Flycatchers (Empidonax wrightii) and 2 unexpected Evening Grosbeaks (Coccthraustes vepertinus) which seldom appear in the reserve.

Warden’s Report, Trout Creek Ecological Reserve, Oct 5. 2014

Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell reports on his trip to his reserve: ◦  it was an absolutely superb fall day;15c at 8.30,a periodic light breeze, and sunshine flirting for prominence with wispy clouds. ◦  I saw of heard 15 species of birds that were for the most part active and vocal. I was delighted to