Friends of Ecological Reserves
Board Member Contacts:
Director/chairman | Harry Crosby |
Director | Mike Fenger |
Director/Warden Liaison | Harold Sellers |
Director/co-webmaster | Garry Fletcher |
Director | Rick Page |
Director | Adrian de Groot |
Director/secretary | Mary Rannie |
Editor/co-webmaster | Louise Beinhauer/F Beinhauer |
Treasurer | Michael Brinsmead |
For feedback on this website regarding errors or bad links, or suggestions of where we may find other images of ecological reserves in BC, research papers, or other articles to archive, contact
Garry Fletcher: garryf use the at sign
To contact the Ecological reserves e-mail mailbox use the e-mail address above or the form on the right, if you prefer.
The mail address for Friends of Ecological Reserves :
Box 8477 Victoria BC V8W 3S1.