Grassland Plants – Long term Monitoring..BC PArks

From: 2011-ongoing – Grassland Plants – Long Term Monitoring – BC Parks – Multiple Regions ID: 5570 Coordinator:Tory Stevens Funding Agency: MOE: BC Parks Survey Name.. 2017 – Grassland – Long Term Monitoring – Trout Creek Ecological Reserve Survey Intensity..Inventory Method.. Taxa (Species Code / Scientific Name / English Name)  * = Primary Focus

Ecological Reserve #7 Warden’s Annual Report 2018

Ecological Reserve #7 Warden’s Annual Report 2018 Reserve Name: Trout Creek Wardens: Kathryn McCourt, Mark Gardiner Report Date: November 12, 2019 March 28, 2018, Kathryn McCourt: first inspection of the year, and to check southeast fence. Conditions: 7, wind calm, light cloud cover, patches of snow. Duration: 11:00-12:30. Walked from gate to SE corner, found

Trout Creek Ecological Reserve Warden’s report : July 2017

We are pleased to welcome Keegan Hoffman as the  new assistant warden for Trout Creek ER . July 7, 2017 I arrived at the ecological reserve at 5:30pm. The temperature was an intense 33 degrees Celsius and partly cloudy with a light breeze. During my 2.5hr visit the wind steadily increased and eventually brought smoke

Laurie Rockwell ER Warden for Trout Creek Passes Away-March 2017

Kathryn McCourt, the ER warden for Mahoney lake has provided this Obituary Sadly, G.Fletcher’s profile of Laurie Rockwell, “An Exemplary Ecological Reserve Warden,” published in “The Log, Autumn/Winter 2014”, requires an update. In February 2017, after twenty-five years of service as an Ecological Reserve warden, Laurie stepped down from the position because of deteriorating health.

Trout Creek ER : Wardens Report Oct 10, 2016

On 10/9/2016 4:28 PM, Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell wrote: mild at 9c with little wind, and overcast sky and some sunshine. Needless to say it was very quiet. I heard 6 species of forest birds, except for one migrating Ruby-crowned Kinglet( Regulus calendula), more of a deciduous,riparian specialist. there were no insects and only

Trout Creek ER Management Plan, 2016

BC Parks is indebted to Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell for his years of dedication in monitoring and record collection in Trout Creek Ecological Reserve. Further thanks to ecologist Don Gayton and environmental consultant Alison Peatt for providing additional information on landscape features and characteristics of the ecological reserve. Jeremy Hiebert allowed permission to use

Trout Creek Management Plan-2016

 See the full pdf of the  plan here: trout-crk-er-mp 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Management Plan Purpose The purpose of this document is to guide the management of Trout Creek Ecological Reserve. This management plan:  articulates the key features and values of the ecological reserve;  identifies the types and levels of management activities;  establishes