Entangled Sea lion in Race Rocks Ecological Reserve

The following article from the Victoria Time Colonist with a video of an interview with Dr. Martin Haulena of the Vancouver  Aquarium appeared in the Times Colonist on October 29 2024 concerning the rescue of an entangled sea lion at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/gut-wrenching-sea-lion-with-mouth-sealed-by-netting-rescued-at-race-rocks-9727516

The Log, 2024 Spring/Summer Newsletter

The 2024 Spring/Summer Newsletter is available. Just click below. Click here to open the 2024 Spring/Summer edition of The Log (PDF format). Contents: FER AGM 300 Hectares of Old Growth Habitat to be protected New Talking Tree Nature Reserve on Galiano Island BC Parks Foundation Receives Large Grant for Lumley Road Project (Salt Spring Island)

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Proposed as a KBA – Key biodiversity area

In June 2023 Ian Adams presented for the Annual General Meeting of Friends of Ecological Reserves on the Key Biodiversity Areas program in Canada.  This presentation is available here: https://ecoreserves.bc.ca/2023/06/07/key-biodiversity-areas-ian-adams-fer-agm-june-2023/ The website of KBA Canada is here: https://gis.natureserve.ca/portal/apps/dashboards/8a89d50ea0b04c7790e19791ab9ae6e8 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve is on the list of proposed KBAs in British Columbia along with several

Ecological Reserve #97 Warden Reports for Race Rocks

Garry Fletcher, ER #97 Warden notes: On many of my trips to Race Rocks I make a point of photographing or documenting changes or affirming past records on the website http://racerocks.ca. These observations can be found at : https://racerocks.ca/category/er-warden-report/ Since Race RocksEcological Reserve is the only reserve with a resident Ecoguardian provided by nearby Lester

Zoom out – Zoom In .. A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of BC Parks’ Ecological Reserves.

Often when we visit special ecological areas our observations are restricted to a limited view. In this video, we visited six diverse Ecological Reserves  with the goal of revealing some of their special features from  a distant viewpoint as well as a close up one. Under a special permit from BC Parks, Jamie Frith used

Should Oil transport be Determined by Environmental Conditions

This article is included because it deals with the imminent threat from oil spills that would affect the Ecological Reserves along the tanker route . 1 Metchosin Environmental Advisory Select Committee (MEASC) feedback regarding Western Canada Marine Response Corporations (WCMRC) Oil Spill Response and Coastal Mapping Program for Metchosin November 2021 Background In 2017, Western

Christmas Bird Counts at Race Rocks

Warden’s Report: On December 27 Martin Stewart provided transportation on the vessel  Ecosphere for myself and two local birders, Matthew and Courtney Cameron to go to Race Rocks Ecological Reserve for the Sooke Region annual Bird count. The following  link documents the results of that day. https://www.racerocks.ca/christmas-bird-count-at-race-rocks-2020/ Christmas Bird Count records since 1997  for the

Update on NEB-Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Project:

From the: THE LOG FRIENDS OF ECOLOGICAL RESERVES  NEWSLETTER AUTUMN/WINTER 2014 Update on NEB-Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Project By Mike Fenger and Garry Fletcher In the 2014 Spring/Summer LOG, our editor Louise Beinhauer provided an excellent summary of the Information Requests that Friends of Ecological Reserves provided to Kinder Morgan (KM). This summary is

Images of Tankers and Animals at Race Rocks.

The vessel traffic lane in the Strait of Juan de Fuca is very narrow and it lies within 3 to 5 nautical miles of the boundary of Race Rocks Ecological Reserve.  The ecoguardians at the Race Rocks Ecological reserve have contributed photos of the local fauna, with marine vessels, including tankers in the background  and

Notice of Motion to compel full and adequate response from Kinder Morgan from Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves–July 4, 2014

FER Board members Mike, Garry, liz and Louise have produced this report in response to the Kinder Morgan responses to our first Information request.  Hearing Order OH-001-2014 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain) Application for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project Procedural Direction No. 3 – Process for hearing motions to compel full and adequate responses to

Endangered or threatened species in Marine Ecological reserves -Southern Vancouver Island

This table includes the various levels of concern for the endangered species at risk  from oil spills in four of the Marine Ecological Reserves. See other posts on this website on the Oil Spill threat to our 17 Ecological reserves in the Southern Vancouver Island area. Oak Bay Islands Ecological Reserve SCIENTIFIC NAME  COMMON NAME