South Coast Ecological Reserves in BC

Vancouver Area( South Coast) Wardens and Parks  staff meeting at the BC Parks office in Surrey. February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 Fraser Room, South Coast Ministry of Environment office, 2nd floor, 10470 152nd Street, Surrey 1. Welcome and Introductions (Joanna Hirner, Conservation Specialist, BC Parks) BC Parks Update BC Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer

Skagit River Forest ER#21 Overview: Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To preserve representative valley-bottom forest in an area transitional between coastal and interior climatic conditions Physical: The reserve lies in the Skagit River valley, bounded in the west by the Skagit Range and east by the Hozameen Range. Local peaks rise to the 2150 m elevation. It is primarily on the alluvial fan

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from

Skagit River Forest ER #21 Management Statement , 1990

(This statement is intended for use in conjunction with the descriptive text and map pages supplied in the “Guide to Ecological Reserves in British Columbia”).File: 6-7-5-102-50 Date: 90-08-07 Features Requiring Special Management Consideration:None known;representative reserve. Proposals for all reserves predated finalization of the Recreation Area status, and of lake flooding levels. Boundaries and distribution of