Many of the Ecological Reserves in British Columbia are located on the traditional lands of indigenous peoples of the province.( We are grateful to the Traditional Ecological Knowledge ( TEK) in preserving our natural areas in the past and the present and for the scientific knowledge that has led to the designation of many of these unique places.
We are grateful for many individuals who have helped in providing resource material and images for this website. For those with on-line sources, we urge you to visit their web sites.
In particular we appreciate the work done by Tom Gillespie, Friends of Ecological reserves Board member, who for many years was the webmaster of the Friends of Ecological Reserve website.
Photography: Some photos are acknowledged on the page they appear, others will be noted here. All images are copyright of the Photographers, and permission must be obtained from them for any other intended use.
- Louise Beinhauer the editor of the Newsletter.
- Jim Bryan for images of Trout Creek ER and images of Bighorn Mountain Sheep.
- Alex Fletcher for images and Logs from Race Rocks
- Mike Robinson for images and Logs from Race Rocks
- Mike Fenger for images of Comox Lake Bluffs and entries on the website.
- Adam Harding for images from Race Rocks ER
- Raisa Mirza for images from Race Rocks ER
- Ryan Murphy for images from Race Rocks ER
- Bill and Bev Ramey for photos of the Fraser River Islands ER
- Rosemary Taylor for images of the Fraser River Islands ER
- Vijayakumar Somalinga for images of Mount Tzuhalem ER and a phantom Orchid.
- Ian Cumming for images of Skwaha ER images
- John Newcomb for images of Trial Island and Satellite Channel ER
- Tom Howell for images of Duke of Edinburgh ER
- Erik Kehler for images of Liumchem Lake ER
- Adrian DeGroot for images of Grayling River ER, Det San ER and Skeena River ER
- Bruno Gonzalez for images of Brackman Island ER
- Stephen Hui for images of UBC endowment Lands ER
- Bella Coola Blog for images of Ilgachuz Range ER
- Emmanuel Borsboom for images of Saturna Island ER
- Dan Stanyer for images of Tacheeda lake ER
- Laurie Rockwell for his timely wardens reports on Trout Creek ER #7
- Tania Simpson for images of Mahoney lake ER
- Kenneth M. Fersht for his images of Mount Tuam
- Lori Burgoyne for images for Mahoney Lake ER
- Lindsay Elms for an article on Mt. Tzuhalem ER History
- Darren Inouye for images of Mahoney lake ER
- Ron Caves for Images of Rose Spit and Tow Hill ER
- Karsten for image of Vance Creek ER
- Catherine Temple for article on History of East Redonda Island ER
- Kris Benson for images of Bednesti Lake ER
- Dave Lines for image of redwood sorrel for Klanawa River ER
- Greg Ross for images of Gilnockie Creek ER
- Robbie Robinson for pictures of Comox Lake Bluffs ER
- Sherry Kirkvold for images of Sea Otters and Forests
- John Coffrey for images and reports on Mara Meadows
- Phil McIntyre-Paul for images on Mara Meadows
- Art Carson for images of ERs # 39, #84, #86, #70
- Richard So for images of Solander Island ER
- Ryan Batten for images of animals and images of rare plants
- Kristiina Ovaska for her images of the yellow-bordered taildropper slug.
- Marcus Redivo for an image of Mahoney Lake ER.
- Dave Ingram for an image of Menzies burnet at
- Alton Valler for Ram Creek Photos
- Alex FLetcher for Images from Race Rocks ER
- Fred Beinhauer ( webmaster)
- Garry Fletcher (webmaster)
- Cale Frombach (web designer) for helping us start the website
- Mike Fenger for researching archived files at BC Parks office.
- Also many of our images are from the files of the Ecological Reserves Section of BC Parks.
- Todd Golumbia for archival resources on the Gulf Islands National Park former provincial Ecological Reserves, Saturna Island and Brackman Island.
- Patrick Bartier of the Gwaii Hanaas National Park Reserve for resources on former Provincial ERs, Keroard, East Copper/Jeffrey/Rankine and Anthony islands.
- Pearson College UWC for the use of images taken at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve
- The many Ecological Reserve Volunteer Wardens who have contributed their reports and images for use on the website