We Want you- A Call for New Board Members
We Want You! Call for Board Members
- Are you interested in nature and enjoy learning about natural areas?
- Are you intrigued by the diversity of ecosystems and life forms in British Columbia, including rare plants and animals?
- Would you like to help foster the stewardship of British Columbia’s ecological reserves, and enhance the system of B.C.’s ecological reserves?
- Would you like to support the use of ecological reserves as living laboratories to document biodiversity, monitor environmental and climate change, and help inform provincial government decisions on significant ecological, biological and geological features?
- Do you have three to ten hours to volunteer each month?
- Can you attend a two-hour virtual meeting once a month using Zoom teleconferencing?
If so, consider joining the Board of Directors for the Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER). FER currently seeks dynamic, committed, bright, team-oriented candidates 18 years and older from anywhere in B.C. As of the end of January 2021, five vacancies exist on the Board.
Ecological reserves provide permanent sanctuaries throughout B.C. that protect representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. Ecological reserves primarily serve scientific research and educational purposes. Ecological reserves are the gems of B.C.’s protected areas system. For more information about the importance of ecological reserves, see the FER website at:
The Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER) is a volunteer based, not-for-profit charitable organization. FER works closely with BC Parks staff to support ER wardens and to encourage BC Parks to allocate funding to the management, conservation and stewardship of ecological reserves. FER promotes the ecological reserves system in B.C. and the need to add new reserves to address gaps. It raises public awareness about ecological reserves within B.C. and procures funds to:
- foster research and monitoring in ecological reserves;
- support volunteer wardens and the warden function within ecological reserves;
- prepare and circulate a regular newsletter to inform FER members on current issues in ecological reserves; and
- educate the public regarding the important features of ecological reserves, including conservation of ecological, biological and geological features.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board
FER is a registered Canadian charity, and a not-for-profit organization under the B.C. Societies Act. The Board is accountable for ensuring that the FER is managed in accordance with applicable federal and provincial laws and its membership’s wishes. These responsibilities include:
- Establishing and maintaining a framework of delegation and internal control.
- Monitoring financial management and performance.
- Establishing and pursuing a strategic direction in keeping with the FER’s Mission, Vision and Values as articulated in its Strategic Plan, see: (
- Evaluating and improving the performance of the Board.
- Promoting and supporting the FER, its members, and the volunteer ER wardens.
Responsibilities of Individual Board Members
As individuals and collectively, Board Members are responsible for:
- Creating a positive, fun, open, respectful, collaborative and action-oriented organizational culture.
- Adhering to the bylaws, policies, and procedures of the organization.
- Reading and familiarizing themselves with the five goals in the FER Strategic Plan, actions FER takes to advance these goals, and progress made and obstacles faced in meeting these goals.
- Attending a majority of all Board meetings in person or via teleconferencing to provide insights and share knowledge to support the ER system and further the management, conservation and stewardship of ecological reserves in B.C. This includes:
- Reading the minutes and agenda, and completing action items assigned prior to the meeting, and being prepared to speak on his/her agenda items at the meeting or to email an update.
- Doing the background work he/she commits to do and reporting to the Board at the next meeting on progress made and obstacles faced.
- Participating in or leading at least one of the FER’s projects or initiatives (e.g., writing an article for the FER newsletter, The LOG)
- Participating in, organizing, or hosting at least one of FER’s events (field trips, social get-togethers) each year.
- Acting selflessly in seeking solutions that are in the best interests of the FER and ecological reserves in B.C.
- Participating in discussions to set FER Board policy, make decisions, and identify actions.
- Pursuing opportunities to improve the camaraderie and performance of the FER.
Special Qualifications
FER seeks candidates to join the Board who have one (or more) of the following areas of interest/expertise:
- Interest in and experience in fundraising
- Expertise in recording minutes
- Understanding of and expertise in environmental policy analysis
- An interest in and experience with collaborative leadership
- Experience in organizing and implementing special events and commemorations
- Experience in working with government land management agencies
- Interest in and knowledge of Indigenous law/policy, traditional ecological knowledge, Indigenous culture, cultural resources and traditional use, and First Nations engagement
- Interest in and experience in land use planning, protected areas management and systems planning, biodiversity conservation, ecological land classification, ecological restoration
- Interest in and knowledge of biological and geological features, species at risk, fossils
- Knowledge of and experience in ecological inventory, monitoring and research methods
- Knowledge of the natural history of British Columbia
- Awareness of the ecological reserves of B.C. and experience in visiting at least one
Term: Two (2) Years with the option to renew
Compensation: Although Directors serve as volunteers and receive no financial remuneration benefits include fellowship, learning experiences, opportunities to visit ecological reserves, and pride in contributing to the greater good.
Time Commitment: Usually 3-5 hours per month. In 2021, 6-10 hours per month due to commemorations planned for the 50th anniversary of the Ecological Reserve Act.
Candidate Selection Process
Interested candidates should submit their names and qualifications by Wednesday, January 20, 2021 to: Friends of Ecological Reserves of B.C., Attention: FER Board of Directors Nomination Committee 2021 via Email:
ecoreserves22 (use the “at” sign)
or via the FER website at: or in writing to: Box 8477, Victoria, BC V8W 3S1.
The FER Board of Directors Nomination Committee will review all applications, contact interested persons, and present qualified candidates to the Society’s membership for their consideration and selection at the Annual General Meeting, which will take place virtually using Zoom tele-conferencing on the evening of Friday, January 29, 2021. Interested candidates can also declare their intent to put their name forward as a Board member at the AGM (see back cover for more information). There are currently up to five (5) open positions out of a potential total of twelve Directors on the FER Board.