Columbia Lake Ecological Reserve #20 Warden Report, 2023

The report is available in this PDF link Columbia Lake Ecological Reserve Warden Report 2023_final Link to the iNaturalist entries: Report completed by: Ian W. Hatter, ER Warden for Columbia Lake Ecological Reserve, and Dr. Jenny Feick, ER Warden for Mt. Sabine Ecological Reserve. All photos were taken by Jenny Feick. Report completion date:

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Proposed as a KBA – Key biodiversity area

In June 2023 Ian Adams presented for the Annual General Meeting of Friends of Ecological Reserves on the Key Biodiversity Areas program in Canada.  This presentation is available here: The website of KBA Canada is here: Race Rocks Ecological Reserve is on the list of proposed KBAs in British Columbia along with several

Conservation Options for the Elk and Flathead Valleys and The Proposed Fording River Grasslands ER#159

Click here for the full report: Elk Flathead Stetski FINAL. the complete PDF file Attached is a copy of my report, commissioned by Parks Canada, on Conservation Options for the Elk and Flathead River Valleys in SEBC. This is a critical area in the Yellowstone to Yukon corridor. I will be presenting on the report


Published at: BRYOPHYTES ON THE SUMMIT OF PINK MOUNTAIN, NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA From: Wu, E.T.Y., D.P. Mosquin, & R.D. Guy. 2018. An Inventory of Bryophytes on the Summit of Pink Mountain (Peace River District, British Columbia, Canada). Western North American Naturalist 78(1): 17-25. 78(1), 17-25, (12 April 2018) Abstract The bryophyte diversity in northern

Nunataks and Nootka : The Brooks Penninsula, Vancouver Island’s Ice Age Refugium, by Jim Pojar

Jim Pojar in February of 1981, as a member of the  British Columbia Forest Service wrote this paper .  “a small intact west coast drainage system, biologically representative but with several floristic rarities; vegetation modified by extreme exposure; an estuary and a sand beach ecosystem; and the possibility (which needs further investigation) that the Brooks


Peter Courtney, who along with George Scotter and the Central Okanagan Naturalists’ Club botany group have documented the plants found in the Browne Lake Ecological Reserve near Kelowna. He sent warden Don Guild his updated list of their findings. VASCULAR PLANTS OF BROWNE LAKE ECOLOGICAL RESERVE Peter Courtney, March 2021 INTRODUCTION At the request of

Oceans Protection Plan Dialogue Forum – Transport Canada February 17-19 2021

Mike Fenger and Garry Fletcher will participate in the Oceans Protection Forum online February 17-19  . The Annotated_Agenda_2 We have several concerns as a result of our experience as Intervenors in both of the Hearings of the National Energy Board and produced a number of reports as a result of the process. Our participation in

Update on Clack Creek Logging and Robert’s Creek Headwaters Forest

May 26: Update from Elphinstone Logging Focus Please note that Roberts Creek Headwaters Forest has been removed from the BCTS Planning Schedule.  For a few years it appeared as an OGMA, but they don’t want that designation.     The BCTS Forest Planner at the time (Norm Kempe in Campbell River) urged us to contact FoER and have you folks submit it as an ER

Forestry Policy Update on Rubus nivalis

When we were concerned about the logging policies in the Elphinstone area , the BC Timber Sales  Interim Management Protocol for Rubus nivalis was outlined. Since then there has been an update on the status of this species PDF of the Policy :tsg_rubus_nivalis_protocol_update_May_2012 May 2012 Page 1 Rubus Nivalis: Rationale for Discontinuing Protocol (May 2012)

Research Projects on Pink Mountain

 Research Projects Pink Mountain is an ideal location for many kinds of Arctic /alpine research. The summit plateau offers tundra, geological phenomena, most arctic/alpine plants, insects and butterflies. It is relatively close and has road access. The summit is long but narrow making any research site only a short distance from the road. Botanical Studies: A

Fraser River Ecological Reserve #76 Warden’s Report Oct 2019

Ecological Reserve Wardens Bev and Bill Ramey submitted this report on a visit to the Ecological reserve on October 29, 2019 See this pdf at:  FER #76 2019, October 29, for FER November 2019 saw a fresh water mussel shell, in similar location to shells found Dec 2014, and in a couple of other subsequent

Vancouver Island Marmot,COSEWIC assessment summary,May 2019

COSEWIC assessment summary Assessment summary – May 2019 Common name: Vancouver Island Marmot Scientific name: Marmota vancouverensis Status: Endangered Reason for designation: This endemic species is found only on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Since the last assessment in 2008, the species has demonstrated a rapid population increase and then a subsequent decline; there are currently