
2023 Ecological Reserve #130 Mahoney Lake Wardens’ Annual Report Wardens: Kathryn McCourt, Dan Nieman Report date: November 15, 2023 April 13, 2023 – Kathryn McCourt 9:45 – 10:49. 6℃, sky overcast, wind calm Plants in bloom: Ranunculus glaberrimus, Frittilaria pudica Birds: Redwinged Blackbird, American Robin, Song Sparrow, Black-capped Chicadee, American Coot, Ruddy Duck, Canada Goose,

Mahoney Lake #130 Warden’s report 2012

Kathryn McCourt reports on Mahoney lake ER for 2012. Ecological Reserve Warden Annual Report ER Name: Mahoney Lake Ecological Reserve #130  Report Date: January 4, 2013 for 2012 Warden Name: Kathryn McCourt May 10 – first seasonal visit to ER. Observed lots of Russian Knapweed growing inside and outside the south fence. Recorded Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper,

An Overview of visits to some of the Okanagan Area Ecological Reserves, October, 2012

A trip through some of the Ecological  Reserves of the Okanagan in the fall of 2012. It is not often that members of the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves get the opportunity to  meet with reserve wardens, hear their concerns, and get to see the Ecological Reserves looked after by those wardens. In the

Mahoney Lake ER Panoramas, October, 2012

On October 8, 2012, Niran Lella took the panoramas below while on a trip with Garry Fletcher and the Mahoney lake Ecological Reserve warden Kathryn McCourt .  Kathryn commented on the fragility of the lake, a rare meromictic or non-mixing lake which has unique chemical properties. She also pointed out the invasive species in the

Images of Amoebobacter and Copepods in Mahoney Lake ER #130

The images of Mahoney lake Ecological Reserve which appear on several Flickr sites suggest that it is a very unique ecosystem with unusual physical and biological characteristics. It is a meromictic lake, meaning a lake in which some water remains partly or wholly unmixed with the main water mass at the seasonal circulation periods, probably

Images of Mahoney lake Ecological Reserve

We have been granted permission to include the following images in our gallery of pictures  for Mahoney Lake Ecological reserve. The first image,  taken in October 2009, is from Marcus Redivos Flickr site, The others are  from Sally Taylor’s Flickr pages of Nov 17 2011. Note the vegetation around the lake as it would be

Shorebirds of Mahoney Lake ER # 130

This gallery highlights the work of Tania Simpson who has posted images of Mahoney Lake on her Flickr site.  We  are most grateful for permission to use the images here and we urge you to check out her other images on Flickr as well.      Mahoney Lake Ecological Reserve  Mahoney Lake Ecological Reserve Female

2007 Invasive Plant Program Annual Report Okanagan Region

The report is the Invasive Plant Program Annual Report for the Okanagan Region and includes inventories of invasive plants, activities undertaken, and recommendations for 2008. Designing and implementing an effective invasive plant program within the Okanagan Region is critical in fulfilling this mission and to ensure the long-term protection of our natural spaces. Invasive plant