Research On Ecological Reserves
One of the major aims of the Ecological Reserve Program is to encourage the involvement of scientists in research on the reserves. To carry out research in an Ecological reserve, a permit is required and reports are submitted to BC Parks, and to Friends of Ecological Reserves for entry in this archive.
- Link to: Ecological Reserve Permits-BC PARKS
- Ecological Reserve Permits, 2012( PDF 607KB) ecological-reserve-permits
- Examples of research supported by Friends of Ecoreserves
- See all the Research for Ecological Reserves that we have archived so far on this website:
- This is one model for ecological reserve research from Trout lake ER#7
- Go to the page profiles of the individual Ecological Reserves and click on Research.
A University of Victoria research cruise lowers instruments in Race Passage to measure the velocity of upwelling currents.