The Log, 2019/20 Autumn/Winter Newsletter

The 2019/20 Autumn/Winter Newsletter is available from this website. Just click below. Click here to open the 2019/20 Autumn/Winter edition of The Log (PDF format). Contents: 2020 Brings a Renewed Push to Revitalize the ER System A Community Fights to Save Clack Creek Forest Hidden Complexity Revealed, How LiDAR helps re-map Aleza Lake The ‘Blob”,

Research and Teaching Opportunities in the Northern Uplands Unit- 2005

From  the fall , 2005 issue of The Aleza lake Research Forest Newsletter. The ALRF Management Plan outlines strategic guidance for creating research and education opportunities at the Research Forest. Seven ALRF units are managed according to one of three emphases: Intensive forest management; Intermediate forest management; Legacy Research plot management; and Research Natural Areas.

Aleza Lake Purpose Statement

Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement: BC Parks The Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve is located 50 km northeast of Prince George, 4 km southwest of Aleza Lake. Road access is south from old Highway 16, 3 km south of Aleza Lake Village. The ecological reserve is 242 ha in size, and protects forest ecosystems representative

Aleza Lake Overview:

Physical: The reserve lies on a gently Dissected plain of low relief between the Fraser ND THE Bowron rivers. This area was flooded by a glacial lake at the close of the ice age and is underlain by glacial lake clays. The reserve has a very gentle slope to the north, and small streams flowing

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from