
Aleza Lake Purpose Statement

Posted March 15, 2003 | Categories : 84,Management,Reports |

Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement: BC Parks
The Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve is located 50 km northeast of Prince George, 4 km southwest of Aleza Lake. Road access is south from old Highway 16, 3 km south of Aleza Lake Village. The ecological reserve is 242 ha in size, and protects forest ecosystems representative of a wet cool region of the Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone.
The ecological reserve lies on a gently dissected plain of low relief between the Fraser and Bowron rivers, in the McGregor Plateau Ecosection. The area is underlain by glacial lake clays, and includes a small shallow lake.
Except for the shallow, 12-ha lake near the south boundary and a few small bogs, the ecological reserve is entirely forested. A variety of tree species is present, but stands tend to be dominated by white spruce. The few small bog forests consist of a black spruce – scrub birch – sphagnum moss association.
The area has moderate capability for moose production.
This ecological reserve was established February 10, 1978, and is situated within the 7,700 ha Aleza Lake Research Forest.
Primary Role
The primary role of Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve is to protect forest ecosystems representative of a wet cool region within the Sub-Boreal Spruce subzone for research purposes.

Known Management Issues——–    Response
Firewood cutting———————–Tree falling and removal along the road has been an issue. More patrols by staff required.
Potential for illegal hunting———–Lake in ecological reserve is visible from road. More staff patrols during hunting season required.
Invasive species ————————Monitor for presence of Marsh Thistle. Initiate control measures if detected to protect natural ecosystem.


• ecosection—————————-Contributes towards representation of the McGregor Plateau Ecosection (MCP) – only 0.64% of this ecosection is protected provincially; 5.36% of which is protected in this ecological reserve.

• biogeoclimatic———————–Minor representation of SBS wk1. This variant is under-represented (3.84%) in the protected areas system. The ecological reserve contributes only 0.68% of the overall provincial protection.
Special Feature

Rare/Endangered Values————-Unknown
Scientific/Research ——————-Forest ecology; effects of logging


  • backcountry——————-Nature appreciation opportunities
  • destination
  •  travel corridor
  •  local recreation

Special Opportunities
Education/Interpretation Opportunities——-Forest ecology; comparison with silviculture activities in adjacent area.


Special Feature


Other Designations
Relationship to Other PAs ————— Contributes towards representation of under- represented McGregor Plateau Ecosection (which is primarily represented by nearby Purden Lake Park) and SBSwk1 biogeoclimatic subzone.
One of 148( now 154) ecological reserves established for research and education purposes across the province.

Co-operative Management  Arrangements: UNBC has a permit for a specialized weather station inside the ecological reserve
Partnerships :Aleza Lake Research Forest Management and Working Plan Ecological Reserve Warden (Laird Law appointed in 1986)
Vulnerability: The Conservation Risk Assessment Process identified 2 risk factors (the shape and the size of the ecological reserve) for the ecological reserve and rated them as highly significant. Two stressors/threats were identified for the ecological reserve: log theft was rated as highly significant; exotic species was rated with low significance.

Relationship to Other Strategies
Area: 242hectares

Date of establishment:    February 10, 1978



—Adapted from the BC Parks website