
Aleza Lake Research Forest— UNBC

Posted January 23, 2013 | Categories : 84,Research |

From the UNBC website:

The Aleza lake Ecological reserve is surrounded by the  Aleza Lake Research Forest of UNBC. This is a 9000 ha university-based outdoor research facility and working forest 60 km east of Prince George, BC . The mandate of the Research Forest is to provide research and education facilities and opportunities to the University of Northern BC, the University of BC faculties or institutes, other universities, government agencies, private sector research, schools and other educational groups with regards to ecosystem and resource management studies within the wet sub-boreal spruce biogeoclimatic zone. The research and education programs are multidisciplinary with an emphasis on:

  • Partial cut harvest systems
  • Biological Diversity
  • Climate Change and
  • Environmental Monitoring in Small Forest Tenures.



The Aleza Lake Research Forest provides a location for field research and education, and also facilitates the development, implementation and evaluation of research and education programs with the user groups.

See the Maps index for the Management maps for the surrounding Areas.