Soap Lake Ecological Reserve #3 Overview: Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To conserve an alkaline lake, its associated flora and fauna, and representative ecosystems of the Interior Douglas-Fir Zone Physical: Soap Lake, about 9 ha in size and located in a shallow valley in the center of the reserve, is very alkaline (pH 9.1) due to high evaporation and limited outflow. A band of

Guide to Ecological Reserves in BC

This 371 page, 50 mb book may be downloaded from Thanks to Jody Krakowski ER warden for Baynes Island ER #69 for showing us the  location of this important document.  It provides a page and a map on each of the reserves created up to 1992. Include are the Ecological Reserves now lost from

Fragments: management, protection, and restoration proposals for thirteen ecological reserves in British Columbia.

Ingram, G.B. June,1981. The Executive summary and index only are included in this PDF. The details of the Book it is from are below: See the PDF  contaning the Executive Summary:  ingram-1981-fragments-management-protection-and-restoration-proposals-for-thirteen-ecological-reserves-in-british-columbia Bibliographic information Title Fragments: Management, Protection, and Restoration Proposals for Thirteen Ecological Reserves in British Columbia, Canada Author G. Brent Ingram Contributor British