Newsletter Archive

The Log is published two times a year and is distributed free to all members of Friends of Ecological Reserves. You will need Adobe Acrobat reader to access the articles. Click here if you would like to subscribe to the print copy of this publication.

NOTE: to e-mail Friends of Ecological Reserves use this e-mail:
ecoreserves22 (use the @ sign )

Note: Newsletters from 1988 to 1997 have been added to the newsletter archive on September 4, 2014. These 20 newsletters were taken from our old hardcopy paper archive, scanned, OCRed, and added to our site. We hope you enjoy having these available online.  To have a look at them, click on this link to the start of the 1997 newsletters.

2023-24 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

FER’s Response to the B.C. Biodiversity & Ecosystem Health Framework
Oil Spill Response is Questioned
An Ecological Reserve as an Outdoor Classroom
ER Proposal History and Current Status
Flora of Two East Kootenay Ecological Reserves
Did You Know That…..

2023 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

FER 2023 AGM
FER Revised Strategic Plan 2023-2025
Morice River ER Warden’s Report
Remembering Alfred Gaensbauer
Province Strengthens Protection of ERs
1000-year-old redcedar
Mara Meadows ER

2022-23 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

Biological Diversity Key to a Healthy Planet
Island Gems are among B.C.’s Seven Biodiversity Hot Spots
Intact Forest Ecosystems – A Conservation Campaign
Columbia Lake ER Warden’s Report
Lasquiti Island Report
BC Parks Presents Two Student Awards
Oluna Ceska, 1938 – 2022
Warden’s Corner

2022 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

FER 2022 AGM and President’s Report
The Extreme Biodiversity of Pink Mountain
Fraser River ER Warden’s Report
Camas By The Sea
If It’s Too Windy to Clean Up An Oil Spill Is It Too Windy To Ship Oil?
The Fields of Phragmites are no more??
Whelks to Whales

2021-22 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

iNaturalist Challenge in Ecological Reserves
Zoom Out – Zoom In: A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the ER Act
Sturdy Champion for ERs
Letter from Elders Council for Parks in B.C.
Cougar Canyon ER Warden’s Report
Review of Milestones for 2020
We Want You! Call for Board Members
Zoom Meetings Connect the ER Wardens

2021 Spring/Summer and 50th Anniversary Edition (.pdf)

50th Anniversary of the Ecological Reserve Act
Province of British Columbia Proclamation
Will The Real Ecological Reserves Act Please Stand Up
Ecological Reserves Act, 1971
Never Underestimate the Power of One: Dr. Vladimir Krajina and B.C.’s ERs
50th Anniversary Timeline
Zoom Out – Zoom In: A Celebration of 50 Years of BC Parks Ecological Reserves
A Feast for the Eyes
FER AGM Information

2020-21 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

Happy 50th Anniversary to B.C.’s Ecological Reserves
iNaturalist Surveys in B.C.’s Ecological Reserves
Trev Anderson, Race Rocks ER Advocate Turns 100
FER Weighs in on Old Growth Review Strategic Report
A Trip to San Juan Estuary Ecological Reserve
BC Nature Mobilizes Support for Ecological Reserves
We Want You! Call for Board Members
FER AGM Information

2020 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

British Columbia’s Ecological Reserves, Forgotten Gems?
The BC Parks iNaturalist Program
BC Nature Supports FER
Summary of the FER Old Growth Management Review
Funding Conservation & Stewardship Projects in ERs
BC Parks License Plate Project
Reconciliation and ERs
A Field Guide to Crabs

2019/20 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

2020 Brings a Renewed Push to Revitalize the ER System
A Community Fights to Save Clack Creek Forest
Hidden Complexity Revealed, How LiDAR helps re-map Aleza Lake
The ‘Blob”, of oil on Oak Bay Islands
An Interview with Bristol Foster
Celebrating New Protections for Silverdaisy Valley
FER Field Trip Info, Field Trip To Mt. Tzuhalem ER – May 2, 2020
Book Review, In Nature’s Realm by Michael Leyland

2019 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

Friends of Ecological Reserves AGM
Highlights from AGM Talk, “Orcas in Peril? Culture and Conservation of”
Field Trip to Mount Maxwell ER
The Extraordinary Life Of Pen Brown
Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Griffin Island Broom Bashers
Community Connections

2018 Autumn/Winter Newsletter  (.pdf)

Year in Review
FER Opening Statement for the NEB Reconsideration Review
Ospika Cones ER Field Trip Report
Sikanni Chief River ER Field Trip Report

2018 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

President’s Report
Spilling the Facts on Dilbit
Elephant Seal Pups Born on Race Rocks

2017 Autumn/Winter Newsletter  (.pdf)

Minister of Environment & FER Meeting
Tranquille ER
ER Wardens’ Summaries:
.Trial Islands ER
.Baeria Rocks ER
.Galiano Island ER
.Checleset Bay ER
.Bowser ER
.San Juan Estuary ER
.Comox Lake Bluffs ER
.Woodley Range ER
Pacific Reef and Shore: A Photo Guide to Northwest Marine Life

2017 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

President’s Annual Report
Invasive Species & Ecological Reserves
Laurie Rockwell Will be Missed
FER Attended IMBD & BioBlitz
Klanawa River ER Visited

2016 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

What Lies Below at Baeria Rocks Ecological Reserve?
Campbell Brown ER
Det San ER
Kinder Morgan Pipeline Project Needs Additional Conditions
Biological Diversity Why is it Important?

2016 Spring/Summer Newsletter (.pdf)

Annual General Meeting
Pink Mountain – A Strong Case for a new ER
Andy MacKinnon Delivers FER AGM Talk on Cool Plants and Their Fungal Friends
Fate of BC’s Old Growth Forests in Jeopardy
Lasqueti Island Ecological Reserve Field Trip
Vancouver Island ER Wardens’ Meeting

2015 Fall/Winter Newsletter  (.pdf)

What Does Drizzle Lake ER and Superhuman Predators Have in Common?
The Life of Ken Millard
Jacques Sirois’ Biosphere Dreams
Level the Playing Field for NEB’s Pipeline Project Conditions
Conservation of the Coastal Douglas Fir Ecosystem: A collaborative approach
Christmas Yule Message
Pink Mountain Biodiversity Report
West Coast ER Wardens Meeting Announcement

2015 Spring/Summer Newsletter (,pdf)

FER President’s Annual Report
Mount Tzuhalem – Breath-taking Vista of Wildflowers
Final Evidence Report Submitted to the National Energy
By the Board of FER Regarding the Kinder Morgan – Trans  Mountain Pipeline Project
Survival of Southern Resident Killer Whales
Comprehensive Study of the Strait of Georgia

2014 Fall/Winter Newsletter (.pdf)

Link to Contents Page:
Christmas Yule Log Plea
B.C.’s Shrinking Ecological Reserves System
Invasive Interuptus:Scotch Broom Removal
An Exemplary Ecological Reserve Warden
Update on NEB-Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Project
FER Contribution to “Solving Wicked Problems”
Parks Collaborative Workshop at Royal Roads:

2014 Spring/Summer Newsletter [.pdf]

President’s  Report by Mike Fenger
Coastal Ecological Research Legacy Project -M.F & G.F
Race Rocks Trip by Brenda Montgomery
FER Gains Intervenor Status for New Review of Kinder Morgan’s Proposed Pipeline Expansion -Compiled by Louise Beinhauer
Ironic Blast from the Past by Loiuise Beinhauer
Bodega Ridge Find

Link to the Contents page: 

 2013 Autumn / Winter Newsletter [.pdf  ]

FER Bids a Sad Farewell to Our Long-time Friend Tom Gillespie

Planning to Fail or Failing to Plan: A Case for New Protected Areas Vision for BC

Are ERs Fullfilling their mandate for Research and Education?

A Trip to Galiano Island Ecological Reserve

The Cougar– Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous. Book review

2013 Spring / Summer Newsletter [. pdf 1300 kb. ]

President’s Report

BC Parks Long Term Ecological Monitoring Program

Race Rocks Field Trip

Oral Statement Given at Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project Hearings

Caribou, Wolves and Conflict in Society

Remembering Syd Watts ER Wardens Information

2012 Autumn / Winter Newsletter [ .pdf. 2400 kb. ]

A Special Visit to the Okanagan

Enchanted Field Trip to Saturna Island

Elders’ Interviews – Featuring Derek Thompson

Conservation Connection Presentation to the Special Committee on Timber Supply

Matt’s Tales of Trials & Tribulations

Naturalist & ER Warden Remembered

A Study of University Researchers in ERs

Father of Ecological Reserves Biography

2012 Spring / Summer Newsletter [ .pdf. 1300 kb. ]

President’s Report

Field Trip to Eagle Heights

Elders’ Interviews – Featuring Louise Goulet

Purple martins Come Home

Update on Scott Islands Marine National Wildlife Area

New Field Guide to Trees of the Pacific Northwest

2011 Autumn / Winter Newsletter  [ .pdf.  1300 kb. ]

ER Warden Field Day: BC Parks Staff & Wardens Reconnect

Publication Champions

Garry Oak Restoration

Botany BC

2011 Conservation Connection Forum

FER Receives Community Legacy Funding for Projects

2011 Spring/ Summer Newsletter  [ .pdf.  2641 kb. ]

President’s Report

Vancouver Island Region Warden’s meeting

Wall Lizards to Wolverines

A visit to Woodley Range ER

The case for a Pink Mountain ER

2010 Autumn / Winter Newsletter  [ pdf.  1844 kb. ]

Summary of AG’s report

Okanagan wardens annual meeting

Field Trip to San Juan Ridge

ER Scott Island MWA designation process

Effective Citizen Science contributions

FER and MoE  building partnerships

2010 Spring/ Summer Newsletter [ pdf  4548 kb. ]

President’s Report

Battling Broom on Trial Island

Protected areas and climate change

Race Rocks field trip

Big White Ski Resort concerns

2009 Autumn/ Winter Newsletter  [ pdf  974 kb .]

Dialogue with MOE

Okanagan Region Warden’s Meeting

Plastic Trash on Beaches

Research in Ecological Reserves

Trial Island to lose Keeper

Race Rocks considered for Marine Protected Area

Wind  Sentinel Deployed at Race Rocks

2009 Spring Newsletter  [ pdf 1507 kb. ]

President’s Report

Sandhill Cranes of the B.C. Coast

Spilled Oil Caught as Truck Salvaged

Entangled Whale Freed At Sea

Mount Maxwell Day Trip

Owl-clover Found on Trial Island

2008 Winter Newsletter  [ pdf 1105 kb.]

Resident Killer Whales Face Double Whammy

Overview of the Salmon Forest Research Program

First Elephant Seal Born at Race Rocks

The MSMS Story

2008 Autumn Newsletter [pdf 1185 kb].

Summer meeting with MOE

HAT Conservation Connection Gathering

Robson Bight salvage operation

Checleset Bay Sea Otter research

Thanks Nancy Wilkin

Brackman Island ER

Race Rocks Field Trip

Vance Creek ER Update

2008 Spring Newsletter [pdf 2257 kb]

Vance Creek ER water licence concerns

Graham Portage Field Review Report

The Rocky Mountain naturalists

New Professorship at U.Vic honouring Ian McTaggart-Cowan

2007 Winter Newsletter[pdf 2746 kb]

Climate change and E.R.s

FER attends Elder’s Council Workshop

A tribute to Bert (VC) Brink.

2007 Autumn Newsletter [pdf 923 kb]

Warden’s Baseline Information to Receive Website Prominence
Initiatives to further FER Strategic Plan Goal
Proposed Fort Graham Portage ER
Special award for 20 years of service- Eric McAlary
Submission by FER on WIldlife Act Revisions
Thompson Area ER Warden’s Meeting
Continued Support for Sea Otter Research in BC
Okanagan ER Wardens Participate in Training Session
A chief Biologist for BC
Overview of “Sustainable Forestry Benchmarks for BC- A Geographic Information Systems Assessment of Underdeveloped Watersheds as Ecological Monitoring Units
Heartfelt Gratitude from the Recipient of The Vicki Husband Scholarship by Ashley Akin
Update on the status of Vance Creek ER and Expansion Plans for Silver Star

2007 Spring Newsletter [pdf 993 kb]

Minister Penner responds to concerns raised by FER

Preservation of Genetic Diversity in ERs

Threatened Alpine Grouse and Climate Change

2006 Winter Newsletter [pdf 984 kb]

State of BC’ s Ecological Reserves

BC Protected Areas Research Forum

Sustainable Forestry Benchmarks

2006 Autumn Newsletter [pdf 1090 kb]

New Direction for The LOG

Proposed New ER I

ERs of Northern British Columbia – Part II

2006 Spring Newsletter [pdf 949 kb]

Presidents Report

Tom Reimchen Addresses Friends’ AGM

ERs of Northern BC Part I

An Outing to Rolla Canyon

A lesson from the mountain pine beetle on sustainable forestry

2005 Winter Newsletter  [pdf 719 kb]

Islands in the Salish Sea –

A Community Atlas ERs of Southern Vancouver Island Part III

The Gathering 2006 ….and more (16 pgs)

2005 Autumn Newsletter  [pdf 382 kb]

New Warden Handbook Launched

ERs of Southern Vancouver Island Part II

A Glimpse of Morgan McCarl’s ….and more (16 pgs)

2005 Spring Newsletter  [ pdf 1,385 kb]

Why Comox Bluffs ER Contains Out-of-Range Plant Species

ERs of Southern Vancouver Island

From Kelp to Snails ….and more (16 pgs)

2004 Winter Newsletter  [ pdf 592 kb]

Memberships keep on growing

Garry oak ecosystems

Tribute to Mekla Buchanan .

  …and more (20 pgs)

2004 Autumn Newsletter [.pdf 837 kb]

Process for Selling Crown Land

Introducing Morgan MacCarl

Ecological Reserves of Vancouver Island – Part II .

…and more (16 pgs)

2004 Spring Newsletter [.pdf 359 kb]

Wardens’ Gathering – An Update

New Minister Appointed

Ecological Reserves of Vancouver Island – Part I

….and more (16 pgs)

2003 Winter Newsletter [.pdf  645 kb]

Wardens’ Gathering Delivers Action Plan

Call for Research Proposals

Ecological Reserves of the Okanagan – Part II

Report From Cougar Canyon by Malcolm Martin

….and more (16 pgs)

2003 Summer Newsletter [.pdf  391 kb]

Butterflies on Vancouver Island

Report from Cougar Canyon

Ecological Reserves of the Okanagan – Part 1

….and more (16 pgs)

2003 Spring Newsletter [ .pdf 274 kb]

Message from Nancy Wilkin, ADM Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

The Ecological Reserves of Kamloops/Thompson Region

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve ….and more (12 pgs)

2002 Winter Newsletter [ .pdf 316 kb]

GSX Pipeline and ER 67 The BC Ecological Reserve System The Ecological Reserves of South Vancouver Island Strait of Georgia Marine Conservation Action Plan ….and more (16 pgs)

2002 Summer Newsletter [ .pdf 386 kb]

The Subtidal Communities of Checleset Bay ER: New research Long-Term Study of the Fungi of ER#15 on Saturna Island Orchids and Congratulations The Ecological Reserves of Skeena District Ecological Reserves and Aboriginal Rights ….and more (20 pgs)

2002 April (Special Report) [ .pdf 129 kb]

MSRM Service Plan MWLAP Service Plan Help MELP Who’s Who, These Days… ….and more (12 pgs)

2002 Spring Newsletter [ .pdf 477 kb]

GSX Gas Pipeline Workshop ERs of the Sunshine Coast Satellite Channel…Maps Warden Profile: John Riley Global Warming Effects Noticed ….and more (20 pgs)

2001 Winter Newsletter [ .pdf 353 kb]

Need for a Clean Ocean Letters from Wardens Universal Shoreline Speed Restrictions ERs of the Kootenays Research Reports ….and more (16 pgs)

2001 Summer Newsletter [ .pdf 529 kb]

What are Protected Areas Worth? The ERs of the Cariboo District An Innovative Approach to a Serious Problem Hotspring Invertebrates of BC Stopping Crimes in our Forests ….and more ( 16 pgs)

2001 Spring Newsletter [ .pdf 242 kb]

25 Years and Still Loving it Working Holidays The Slow Disappearance of ER 39 The ERs of the Prince George District Using Fire to Save the Garry Oak Ecosystem ….and more ( 12 pgs)

2000 Winter Newsletter [ .pdf 454 kb

A Warden is a Warden is a Steward? ERs-Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands ERs-Smithers Area Race Rocks Marine Protected Area Announced ….and more ( 12 pgs)

2000 Autumn Newsletter[ .pdf 351 kb]

We May not be Big, But We’re Small Broom and Gorse Removal at Trial Island ER Okanagan Wardens Mahoney Lake ER Entomological Reserve on the Haynes ER Past Uses and Future Potential of Arrow-leaved Balsamroot ….and more ( 12 pgs)

2000 Spring Newsletter [ .pdf 289 kb]

Strathcona District: Focus on Ecological Reserves A Day in the Life of an ER–#126 Claude Elliot Creek Nitrogen, Salmon and Bears in Coastal Forests ….and more ( 12 pgs)

1999 Autumn Newsletter [ .pdf 268 kb]

Bogs and the Economics of Carbon Rare Fern research on Texada Island ER Volunteer Warden Program Macro-Fungi Inventory and Long-term Fungi Study Identifying Priority Conservation Areas for Rare Species ….and more ( 12 pgs)

1999 Spring Newsletter [ .pdf 356 kb]9904

Ecological Reserves: Where have we been; where are we going? New Ecological Reserves The Board Retreats! Wildlife and Programs in Crisis Wanted: Bull Frog and Green Frog Sightings Prescribed Burn in Tranquille ER #29 ….and more ( 16 pgs)

1998 Autumn Newsletter [ .pdf 220 kb]

If You Go Down in the Woods Today… Guest Editorial: A Plea for an Island of Wilderness Hope for Mara Meadows Species at Risk in BC Update on the Marmot, from the Marmot Recovery Team Sleuths at Work Good News for Fish! Landowner Contact Project Update Ecological Reserves in BC: Our History Grasslands Update Response to the Interim Report of the BC Parks Legacy Project ….and more ( 20 pgs)

1998  Spring  Newsletter [ pdf 21,651 kb]

Walking Softly Trout Creek Ecological Reserve Celebrate the Marmot Pacific Marine Heritage Grows


The following files were scanned from the old paper archives and uploaded September 2014.  

1997 Fall Newsletter [pdf 6mb]

President’s Message
Race Rocks field trip
Cariboo-Chilcotin grasslands
Conservation covenants
Sea otters
Mystery animal in the UEL
Denman Island

1997 Spring Newsletter [pdf 8mb]

President’s message
Sooke Hills Park
Changes to FER’s constitution
Race Rocks on our calendar
Three we will remember
Empire Valley Ranch for sale
Marmots take to the air
The Cummins Valley, part 2
Cummins TEM project
Ayum Creek campaign

1996 Fall Newsletter [pdf 8mb]

New president
Grasslands roundup
Mill Farm preserved
Race Rocks B & B?
Bear hunt movie shot in ER?
Covenanted lots in Highlands
Marbled Murrelet News
Inland rainforests
The unique Cummins Valley

1996 Spring Newsletter [pdf 8mb]

Friends’ Business
Threatened Grasslands
Gap analysis
Marbled Murrelet news
Mara Meadows threat, part 2
Salal Picking on Galiano
New ERs on Vancouver Island
Salt Spring Id. protection ppl
Nimpkish Island visited

1995 Summer Newsletter [pdf 7mb]

Landowner contact project
Douglas fir forest flora
Easter on jedediah Island
Lew Creek ER research
Sea Otters and kelp beds
Protected area news
Letters about visiting reserves

1994 Winter Newsletter [pdf 10mb]

Paralysis by Analysis
Towards Meaningful Protection
Friends’ Business
Khutzeymateen Kudos
Upcoming Field Trips
The Push to Buy Jedediah Island
The Marmot Paradox
Murrelet Research Review
Managing Erosion of Nimpkish
Ecological Riches in Victoria’s Water Supply
Responses to the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan

1994 Spring Newsletter [pdf 3mb]

The Good News this Spring
Annual Report
The Mount Tuam Saga Continues
And more…..

1993 Fall Newsletter [pdf 9mb]

Victoria’s special ecosystems
Hornby Oaks revisited
Marbled Murrelet Team Recovers
Douglas Fir Zone System Plan
Dr. Vladimir Krajina, 1905-1993
Winter Field Trips
Megin Meanderings
Marbled Murrelet Research
Killer Whale Diving Behaviour
Kitlope Conservation Training Program
Reconsider the Clayoquot Decision?
Sierra Club Mapping Project Highlights
Southeastern B.C. Report

1993 Spring Newsletter [pdf 6mb]

The Friends’ annual report for “92
Our Khutzeymateen forest study report
The Friends’ spring calendar
Hornby Island’s Garry oak grove
Marbled Murrelet population trends
Mount Tuam development looms
Mara Meadows, Jack Creek updates
Protection imminent for Khutzeymateen

1992 Fall Newsletter [pdf 13mb]

Minister-bashing at the BCEN
The Friends’ Calendar
A Walk in the Walbran
The Marmots of Haley Lake
Kelson of the Kitlope
Megin River Report
Mt. Tuam Reserve Threatened
B.C. Government News
Mara Meadows and Salmon Arm
Khuteeymateen Commitment
Proposing Ecologocal Reserves

1992 Spring Newsletter [pdf 14mb]

Our Place On the Marbled Murrelet Recovery
Team & Other Friends’ Business
Applications for Friends’ Funding
Thanks To Our Helpers and Supporters
Spring Field Trip and Program Calendar
Exploring the Kyuquot Sound Region
Marbled Murrelet Activity in the Walbran
Murrelet Research at UVic
Killer Whales Under Water
Counting Sea Otters
The Road Through Mt. Tuam Reserve
Tahsish-Kwois Logging Impacts
Khutzeymateen Valley Coming Before Cabinet
The Prospects for Protection
Ancient Rainforests At Risk
B.C. Parks’ New Home & Personnel
South Coast Region Planning Invitation
Letters and Reviews
Wildlife Species in Old Forests

1991 Summer Newsletter [pdf 8mb]

F.E.R/s Annual Meeting
Megin River Explorations
Field Reports and Program Notes
Coming Events
Transient Killer Whales
Sea Otters and Kelp Forests
New Ecological Reserves
Parks Staff Now Manage E.R.s
Old Growth Deferral Shell Game
Why Biodiversity? Part 2

1991 Spring Newsletter [pdf 6mb]

Message from the editor
Coming Events
Reports from Forest Bionhvsical. Sea Otter. Marbled Murrelet. and Whale Researchers
Field Trip Reports by Henry Bauld Galiano Island

1990 Fall Newsletter [pdf 7mb]

Marbled Murrelets in the Walbran
Field Trips and Events
Next Summer’s Friends’ Activities
Old Growth Strategy Project
Tahsish Valley ERP Under the Gun
Robson Bight Tsitika Valley Update
The Kidope Valley
Khutzeymateen Valley Research
Stickleback Research in the QCI
Dr Mike Bigg
Biological Diversity is Important

1990 Summer Newsletter [pdf 8mb]

Annual General Meeting
New Faces on Our Board
Office Manager’s Report
Mt. Tzuhalem Field Trip
Spring Island Summer Camp
Skwaha Lake Field Trip
New Ecological Reserves
Development in thAe Klaskish
Report from the Khutzeymateen
Herb Hammond and the Foresters
Research on Marbled Murrelets
Cleland Id. and Baeria Rocks E.R.s
The Imperilled Tsitika Valley
Nimpkish Island’s Tall Trees
Ambrose Lake E.R. Addition Touted
B.C.’s Traffic in Bear Parts
Oak Groves on Hornby Island

1990 Spring Newsletter [pdf 6mb]

Coming Events
Hot Springs Cove Field Trip
Sea Otters
Fencing on Mt Tzuhalem
Ecological Reserve Proposals

1989 Fall Newsletter [pdf 6mb]


1989 Spring Newsletter [pdf 4mb]

President’s Report
What is the new “System Plan” for the Ecological Reserves Program?
Oil in Ecological Reserves
Review: Protected Old-Growth Forests in British Columbia
Field Trip Reports
Upcoming Events and Field Trips

1988 Fall Newsletter [pdf 3mb]

Vicky’s Award
Upcoming Field Trips
A new Ecological Reserve at Robson Bight

1988 Spring Newsletter [pdf 7mb]



Why is it called The Log? The word comes to us from 14th century Middle English “logge” by way of the Old Norse, läg, fallen tree and Old English, licgan, to lie. Our newsletter name, The Log, derives from its root in a symbolic way. The nurse log that graces our masthead and inspired the name suggests:

  • the nurturing, self-sustaining spirit of the ancient forest, which happens to be one of the Friends’ principal interests;
  • the intact forest’s genetic diversity, which Ecological Reserves conserve and protect; and
  • the log’s fertile wood/soil that is productive ground for new trees and new ideas – the research projects we support.