South Coast Ecological Reserves in BC

Vancouver Area( South Coast) Wardens and Parks  staff meeting at the BC Parks office in Surrey. February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 Fraser Room, South Coast Ministry of Environment office, 2nd floor, 10470 152nd Street, Surrey 1. Welcome and Introductions (Joanna Hirner, Conservation Specialist, BC Parks) BC Parks Update BC Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer

McQueen Creek Ecological reserve #110 Warden’s report, 2011

Date of visit :20 October 2011  Details  :Introduction to reserve   By Karen Willies, ER warden #110 with  Tod Haughton, Area Supervisor, Kamloops, BC Ministry of the Environment                                                                                                                                             Purpose of Visit: This trip was an introduction for me, as the new Warden, to the McQueen Creek Ecological Reserve.  We walked the perimeter for an overview

Mahoney Lake #130 Warden’s report 2012

Kathryn McCourt reports on Mahoney lake ER for 2012. Ecological Reserve Warden Annual Report ER Name: Mahoney Lake Ecological Reserve #130  Report Date: January 4, 2013 for 2012 Warden Name: Kathryn McCourt May 10 – first seasonal visit to ER. Observed lots of Russian Knapweed growing inside and outside the south fence. Recorded Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper,

Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve Marine Warden Program, Final Report for BC Parks, 2012

RBMBER WARDEN PROGRAM HISTORY The RBMBER Warden Program began in 1987 and was operated on yearly contracts until 1991. During 1991 – 1999 the program was operated by Bion Research Inc. Subsequently, Beaveridge Contracting operated the contract from 2000 – 2002. The John- stone Strait Killer Whale Interpretive Centre Society (JSKWICS) operated the program in

Race Rocks ER #97 Warden Reports from 2012 on.

The Warden’s Reports for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve #97 are  available from the website at hthe following linked index page: Posts tagged with warden’s reports on the ecoreserves website are located here: Posts on the site tagged as warden’s reports here: These reports have been provided by Garry Fletcher

Brown Peican at Race Rocks--Nov. 18, 2012

Rehabilitated Brown Pelican: Race Rocks ER #97, Nov. 2012

Warden’s report on unusual sighting of tagged Pelican at Race Rocks  Since 1997 we have been seeing individuals and sometimes small flocks of Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) visiting Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, often in the fall of the year.  Lester Pearson College hires an ecoguardian to live at Race Rocks and they and one of

Restoration Efforts at Oak Bay Islands and Trial Island Ecological Reserves

On Oct 18th, 2012,   Matt Fairbarns made this presentation to the Restoration of Natural Systems Speaker series on the restoration efforts at Oak Bay Islands and Trial Island Ecological Reserves: It includes a section on invasive species as well as native species. Be sure to see the PDF file to get information on the