First Sea Otter Reported at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve #97: 2012

On June 10, 2012 This Sea Otter, Enhydra lutris , was photographed off Middle Rocks in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve from a whale watching vessel by Adam Bird. This is the first recorded sighting of sea otters at the reserve. Further information is available at: Since this first sighting, every year a sea

Plants and Fungi of ER #74 Pacific Spirit Regional Park 1992- 2012

 PLANTS – TERRY TAYLOR, FUNGI –TERRY TAYLOR AND PAUL KROEGER. 1992 – 2012  TREES: Abies grandis                                                              Grand fir Acer macrophyllum                                                    Bigleaf maple Aesculus hippocastanum                                            Horse chestnut                        I Alnus rubra                                                                 Red alder Cornus nuttallii                                                           Pacific dogwood Crataegus monogyna                                                   European hawthorn                I Malus fusca                                                                Pacific crabapple Malus cv                                                                     Apple                                      I Picea sitchensis                                                           Sitka spruce Prunus avium                                                              Sweet

How to move over quickmud.

Invasive Species in Mara Meadows

Oxeye Daisy is the most problematic invasive species in Mara Meadows.  Neglected farm fields adjoining the Reserve generate massive quantities of seed which make their way through the meadow, especially along a ditch made by the farmer in an attempt to drain the meadow in the early 1970’s The ecological wardens have been picking the daisies