McQueen Creek Ecological Reserve #110 Warden’s report, 2012
By Karen Willies, ER Warden #110
Date of visit 26 September 2012
Details Inspection
Purpose of Visit
This visit was to check on the condition of the centre of the Reserve, as previous visits have only been a walkabout outside the perimeter to check on the shape of the fence.
A large number of the trees that were attacked by the pine beetle in the past have created a substantial buildup of fire fuel (photos 1 & 2). Evidence (photo 3) of the May 30th, 2012, human started Noble Creek fire about one kilometer from the Reserve. The old burnt remains (photo 4) of a tree in the centre of the Reserve, possibly caused by lightning.
Despite destruction by the pine beetle, there is a good show of new and young Ponderosa Pines (photos 5 & 6).
- Photos 1 & 2. The decaying debris from the pine beetle kill has created substantial potential fire fuel.
- Photo 2- deadwood
- Photo 3. The May 3rd, 2012 fire about a kilometer away from the Reserve.
- Photo 4. Evidence of an old fire, possibly a lightning strike.
- Photo 5-new growth in the reserve.
- Photos 5 & 6. New growth can be seen throughout the Reserve.
Suggestions (should resources become available)
– Poles outside the perimeter be removed
– Trees across fence be removed
– Fence be repaired where damaged by trees
– Blank signs be removed
The Reserve appears little changed since the 2011 visit.