Patsuk Creek Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement

Patsuk Creek Ecological Reserve is located 38 km north – northwest of the town of Mackenzie. The ecological reserve, 554 ha in size, protects excellent examples of paper birch forest and a rich assemblage of associated plants. The ecological reserve is situated on moderate to steep mountain slopes bordering Patsuk Creek, which flows from the

Background Report for Burgoyne Bay Protected Area on Saltspring Island

Background Report for Burgoyne Bay Protected Area on Saltspring Island The Burgoyne Bay Protected Area is adjacent to the Mount Maxwell Ecological Reserve, ER# 37 and this report includes information about it. Link to report: 2003 Burgoyne Bay Background Report. Link to colour atlas (22mb) and other information, Abstract Burgoyne Bay Protected Area is located

Raspberry Harbour Purpose Statement, 2003

Raspberry Harbour Ecological Reserve (ER# 91) Purpose Statement This 143-hectare ecological reserve is located on the eastern half of a peninsula between Omineca Arm and Finlay Reach of Williston Reservoir in the Rocky Mountain Trench. The ecological reserve is about 144 kilometres west of Hudson’s Hope, with access via logging roads from Raspberry Harbour. The

2003 Weed Management Annual Report Okanagan Region

Weed management projects were completed on Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWLAP), Okanagan Region, provincial parks, protected areas and ecological reserves as well as Nature Trust of British Columbia (BC) lease-back lands. These projects included weed inventory and control (cultural, biological and chemical). Link to report, 2003 Weed Management Annual Report Okanagan Region.

Kingcome River Purpose Statement March 2003

Primary Role The primary role of Kingcome River Ecological Reserve is to preserve unusual lodgepole pine, sitka spruce, and alder swamps and associated open wetlands in a coastal alluvial landscape. Located on the central mainland coast, 10 kilometres north of the head of Kingcome Inlet, the reserve was protected in conjunction with Atlatzi River Ecological

Management Direction Statement for Dewdney and Glide

Introduction Purpose of the Management Direction Statement Management direction statements (MDS) provide strategic management direction for protected areas that do not have an approved management plan. Management direction statements also describe protected area values, management issues and concerns; a management strategy focused on immediate priority objectives and strategies; and, direction statements from other planning processes.

Ten mile Point ER #66 Purpose Statement

Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The key goal of ecological reserves is to contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic materials. All consumptive resource uses and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited. Research and educational

Claud Elliott Creek Purpose Statement

Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The key role of ecological reserves is to contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic materials. All consumptive resource uses and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited. Research and educational

Cleland Island Purpose Statement 2003

CLELAND ISLAND ECOLOGICAL RESERVE Purpose Statement See the PDF from BC PARKS cleland_ps Ecological reserves are areas selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. The key role of ecological reserves is to contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of genetic materials. All consumptive resource

Aleza Lake Purpose Statement

Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement: BC Parks The Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve is located 50 km northeast of Prince George, 4 km southwest of Aleza Lake. Road access is south from old Highway 16, 3 km south of Aleza Lake Village. The ecological reserve is 242 ha in size, and protects forest ecosystems representative

Bednesti Lake ER Purpose Statement

The Bednesti Lake Ecological Reserve is located 45 km west of Prince George, 2.5 km south of Highway 16. The ecological reserve is 139 ha in size, and preserves representative wetland communities and disjunct tamarack stands on the Interior Plateau. Access the PDF: bednesti_ps The ecological reserve is situated on a nearly level portion of