
Patsuk Creek Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement

Posted March 23, 2003 | Categories : 85,Management,Reports |

Patsuk Creek Ecological Reserve is located 38 km north – northwest of the town of Mackenzie.
The ecological reserve, 554 ha in size, protects excellent examples of paper birch forest and a
rich assemblage of associated plants.

The ecological reserve is situated on moderate to steep mountain slopes bordering Patsuk Creek,
which flows from the Misinchinka Range into Parsnip Reach of Williston Lake.

The main feature of the ecological reserve is stands of paper birch, which have limited
distribution in the province. The stands appear to be 60 – 80 years old, and have originated after
a fire.

One rare plant, the mountain bladder fern (Cystopteris montana), is associated with blue clay
soils in the reserve.

While the fauna has not been surveyed, moose and bear are known to frequent the area. Arctic
grayling occur in Patsuk Creek.

Primary Role
The primary role of Patsuk Creek Ecological Reserve is to protect excellent examples of paper
birch forest and a rich assemblage of associated plants.
Known Management Issues :
Forest harvesting on adjacent lands

Response: Ensure there is no trespasses.

Lack of an ecological reserve warden

Attempt to recruit an ecological reserve warden.


Vulnerability: The Conservation Risk Assessment Process identified  2 risk factors (the shape and the size of the ecological  reserve) for the ecological reserve and rated them as  moderately significant. Two stressors/threats were  identified for the ecological reserve: fire suppression
was rated as highly significant; forest harvesting  activity was rated with medium significance.