Input to the BC Environmental Assessment Office and additional conditions proposed for the TMX project related to protecting the marine environment.

See this PDF for the Recommendations to the EAO (15 pages)TMX project–EAO Input to the BC Environmental Assessment Office and additional conditions proposed for the TMX project related to protecting the marine environment. February 28, 2021- -Prepared by Friends of Ecological Reserves: Former intervenors with the KM-NEB processes. As an Environmental Non-Government Organization, (ENGO) the

Location of current shipping lanes threaten South Vancouver Island

Location of current shipping lanes threaten South Vancouver Island – time for a change. By Mike Fenger, Victoria  and Garry Fletcher, Metchosin. The 1891 Wreck of the S.S. San Pedro on Brotchie Ledge, a watercolour by Samuel McClure Starting in the mid-1800s, square-rigged ships and coal-fired steamers took on locally knowledgeable pilots at Brotchie Ledge,

NEB Trans Mountain Reconsideration Hearing Intervenors

FER Board Members Mike Fenger and Garry Fletcher have worked since late September in serving as Intervenors In the NEB, Trans Mountain Reconsideration Hearings. Their aim was to attempt to ensure some level of protection for the shorelines of our 19 Ecological Reserves on southern Vancouver Island and other sensitive ecosystems in the event of

AGM Panel Discussion on Kinder Morgan Pipeline

At the May 16 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Ecological Reserves a panel of four speakers presented their analysis of the Problems of the Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain Pipeline Expansion program. This Link provides the images from a presentation by Stafford Reid on Understanding Risks in the Marine Environment on shores of

Evaluating Threats in Multinational Marine Ecosystems:

Joseph K. Gaydos , Sofie Thixton, and  Jamie Donatuto have recently published Evaluating Threats in Multinational Marine Ecosystems: A Coast Salish First Nations and Tribal Perspective  Published: December 21, 2015 ( Sea Doc Society) Abstract: Despite the merit of managing natural resources on the scale of ecosystems, evaluating threats and managing risk in ecosystems that

Killer whales and Acoustic Masking in the Marine Environment

In our recent Final submission of written evidence to the National Energy Board re Kinder Morgans TMX pipeline proposal, our  Chapter 3  dealt with the severe threat to Cetaceans from the cumulative increase of vessel traffic from the project. Since writing that report, more references on this subject have come to light from another Intervenor

National Energy Board, Revised Exhibit List- April 10 2015

See this revised exhibit list (as of April 10,  2015)  for documents relating to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project: Following are the submissions and responses specific to The Board of Friends of Ecological reserves C33-5 – Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves – Motion for adequacy IR2 (A66957) 2 Items 02/26/2015 C33-4 –

Update on FER Board Intervenor Work on Kinder Morgan/TMX project

In late January , we found out that we had been granted some funding for our work as Intervenors in the National Energy Board, Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion  Project. We had applied in May of 2014. This link shows the location of the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves Documents. KM/TMX Responses

Letter of Support for the BC Government Motion of Dec 5 from the Board of FER

RE: Notice of Motion by the Province of British Columbia submitted December 5, 2014 OH -01- 2014 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (“Trans Mountain”) Trans Mountain Expansion Project (the “Project”) File Number OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 02 As an Intervenor in the above mentioned application, the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserve’s (Board of FER )provides the following comments

Marine Oil Spill Information System (OSRIS)

The B.C. Marine Oil Spill Information System (OSRIS) is a multimedia/GIS computer system to help prepare and respond to marine oil spills. Accessed Dec 2014 at The strength of OSRIS lies with its detailed coastal inventory. Based on this inventory, a sophisticated computer modeling program figures out the sensitivity of each shoreline unit. The

Marc Eliesen withdraws from NEB Hearings he calls “Fraudulent”

Sent: November-03-14 7:28 AM To: BCSEA NEWS Subject: [BCSEA-NEWS] Energy executive blasts Kinder Morgan review as “fraudulent,” quits — Dogwood Initiative Energy Executive Blasts Kinder Morgan Review As “Fraudulent,” Quits Sunday, November 02, 2014 by Marc Eliesen Marc Eliesen has withdrawn as an intervenor in the federal government’s review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline and oil

FER Gains Intervenor Status for New Review of Kinder Morgan’s Proposed Pipeline Expansion -Compiled by Louise Beinhauer

The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves has been included as one of the 400 intervenors accepted out of the 2,118 who had applied, to present to the National Energy Board at the hearings of Kinder Morgan’s proposed pipeline expansion project. Our application was submitted in early February. The Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project proposes

Risk Assessment for Marine Spills in Canadian Waters (Phase 1: Oil spills South of the 60th Parallel) 2014

Risk Assessment for Marine Spills in Canadian Waters Phase 1, Oil Spills South of the 60th Parallel Final Version Presented to Transport Canada Approved by :Jérôme Marty, Ph.D. from-WSP Canada Inc. JANUARY 2014 131-17593-00 Reference to be cited: WSP. 2014. Risk Assessment for Marine Spills in Canadian Water: Phase 1, Oil Spills South of the 60th Parallel. Report from WSP Canada

Notice of Motion to compel full and adequate response from Kinder Morgan from Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves.

Hearing Order OH-01-2014 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain) Application for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project Procedural Direction No. 3 – Process for hearing motions to compel full and adequate responses to information requests The Information request filed by Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves, and the KM  filing  of their response to this and the Motion_by_FER_on_Inadequacy_of_IR_Responses_

The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves accepted as an Intervenor in the NEB hearings into the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline expansion.

Just issued today: The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves is included as one of the 400 intervenors accepted out of the 2118 who had applied to present to the National Energy Board as an Intervenor in Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the pipeline through Alberta and British Columbia. Our application submitted in early February

Kinder Morgan and Tanker Traffic in the Salish Sea

From The Raincoast Conservation Foundation and the Georgia Strait Alliance: BACKGROUNDER Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain expansion will significantly increase oil tanker traffic through Vancouver harbour1 and the Salish Sea, from just 22 visits in 2005 to over 400 – see Table 1 below. Current plans indicate 408 tankers visits each year, increasing the Westridge