Friends of Ecological Reserves Submission to B.C. Government in Response to the B.C. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework

In January, 2024 , the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves submitted the following feedback to the B.C. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework.  Final FER Submission to BC Government – Biodiversity and ESH Framework-Jan31-2024 Also see Trevor Hancocks take on this new draft framework in the Times Colonist of February 11, 2024

Hidden Gems, Ecological Reserves of British Columbia

. The hidden gems of British Columbia’s protected areas system are its ecological reserves, set aside for scientific study and education, not recreation. Two of the first ERs ever established sit above Columbia Lake at the headwaters of the Columbia Valley. Discover how a Czech refugee fleeing the Communists prompted B.C. to become the first

Index of Articles Published on Trial Islands ER in the Friends of Ecological Reserves Log-1988-2023

ECOLOGICAL RESERVES — NEWS/ARTICLES:  #132 Trial Island proposal — March 1989 #132 Trial Island: Broom & Gorse Removal — Autumn 2000 #132 Trial Island: Victoria’s Owl-clover Found — Spring 2009 #132 Trial Island: Battling Broom — Spring/Summer 2010 ========================================== ARTICLES: #132 Trial Island — August 1991 #132 Trial Island Field Trip — Spring 1998 #132

Key Biodiversity Areas : Ian Adams … FER AGM. June 2023

Note: From Ian Adams: I realized that my presentations to the Friends of ER grossly under-represented the number of Key Biodiversity Areas that encompass, in whole or in part, an Ecological Reserve. As you may recall, my involvement with KBAs is all taxa except birds, which are the purview of Birds Canada. This includes the

Friends of Ecological Reserves Strategic Plan 2023- 2025

PDF version: FER Strategic Plan-April 12-23 Friends of Ecological Reserves Strategic Plan 2023- 2025 Mission ‘Friends of Ecological Reserves’ (FER) is a group of concerned citizens/volunteers whose purpose is to advocate for and promote the Ecological Reserve System, and the role that a robust system of Ecological Reserves (ERs) can achieve for the conservation and

Zoom out – Zoom In .. A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of BC Parks’ Ecological Reserves.

Often when we visit special ecological areas our observations are restricted to a limited view. In this video, we visited six diverse Ecological Reserves  with the goal of revealing some of their special features from  a distant viewpoint as well as a close up one. Under a special permit from BC Parks, Jamie Frith used

FER Nominated for the BC Parks Volunteer Legacy Award

The following letter was received from Minister Heyman Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Office of the Minister Parliament Buildings Victoria BC V8V 1X4 Telephone: 250 387-1187 Website: June 1, 2021 Friends of Ecological Reserves Box 8477 Victoria BC V8W 3S1 Dear Friends of Ecological Reserves: I am writing to personally congratulate you

AGM of FER – Guest speakers on the History of Ecological Reserves in British Columbia

After the meeting section of the 2020 AGM, a series of speakers who had an early influence in creating ecological reserves 50 years ago present their stories and interesting perspectives on the early beginnings of the Ecological Reserves System in British Columbia. Bristol Foster, Jim Pojar, Louise Goulet, Hans Roemer, Vicky Husband and Lynne Milnes

Friends of Ecological Reserves ER ACT 50th Anniversary AGM

Friends of Ecological Reserves AGM Join us for the Friends of Ecological Reserves ER ACT 50th Anniversary AGM May 4, 2021 at 7:00 PM Virtual meeting via Zoom Use the link below to register: For a copy of the poster suitable for printing click here: FER AGM Poster in PDF format 

Input to the BC Environmental Assessment Office and additional conditions proposed for the TMX project related to protecting the marine environment.

See this PDF for the Recommendations to the EAO (15 pages)TMX project–EAO Input to the BC Environmental Assessment Office and additional conditions proposed for the TMX project related to protecting the marine environment. February 28, 2021- -Prepared by Friends of Ecological Reserves: Former intervenors with the KM-NEB processes. As an Environmental Non-Government Organization, (ENGO) the