South Coast Ecological Reserves in BC

Vancouver Area( South Coast) Wardens and Parks  staff meeting at the BC Parks office in Surrey. February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 Fraser Room, South Coast Ministry of Environment office, 2nd floor, 10470 152nd Street, Surrey 1. Welcome and Introductions (Joanna Hirner, Conservation Specialist, BC Parks) BC Parks Update BC Parks Volunteer Program and Volunteer

Yale Garry Oak ER # 144 Biological and Physical Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect the most easterly isolated stand of Garry oak and associated ecosystem in British Columbia Physical: The reserve consists of a series of rocky outcrops and bluffs that have been cut through by the Canadian National Railway line which separates the upper part of the stand from the more open lower portion.

Draft Management Plan for the Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) Stand in and Adjacent to the Yale ER, March 31, 2002

(Including Details of Activities to Date) March 31, 2002 Prepared by: Biospherics Environmental Inc. 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes initial restoration-related activities and presents a draft restoration plan for the Garry oak (Quercus garryana) stand in and adjacent to the Yale Ecological Reserve north-east of Yale, British Columbia (Appendix 1, Fig. 1). The Yale Garry