Entangled Sea lion in Race Rocks Ecological Reserve

The following article from the Victoria Time Colonist with a video of an interview with Dr. Martin Haulena of the Vancouver  Aquarium appeared in the Times Colonist on October 29 2024 concerning the rescue of an entangled sea lion at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/gut-wrenching-sea-lion-with-mouth-sealed-by-netting-rescued-at-race-rocks-9727516

Zoom out – Zoom In .. A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of BC Parks’ Ecological Reserves.

Often when we visit special ecological areas our observations are restricted to a limited view. In this video, we visited six diverse Ecological Reserves  with the goal of revealing some of their special features from  a distant viewpoint as well as a close up one. Under a special permit from BC Parks, Jamie Frith used

The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves accepted as an Intervenor in the NEB hearings into the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline expansion.

Just issued today: The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves is included as one of the 400 intervenors accepted out of the 2118 who had applied to present to the National Energy Board as an Intervenor in Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the pipeline through Alberta and British Columbia. Our application submitted in early February

National Energy Board Hearing Application

The Friends of Ecological Reserves Board is submitting an application to Participate as an Intervenor  in the National Energy Board Public Hearings for Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC Trans- Mountain Expansion Project. The project would expand the existing Trans Mountain pipeline system located between Edmonton AB, and Burnaby, BC, resulting in 987 km of new pipeline,

Elephant Seal Pup born at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve January 14, 2014

Warden’s report by Garry Fletcher:
 In the early morning hours of January 14, a new elephant seal pup was born at the Race Rocks Ecological reserve. This was the 5th pup born to a female called Bertha since January 2009. Ecoguardian on the island Alex Fletcher reported that it was born in the night, some

Are Ecological Reserves fulfilling their Mandate for Research and Education?

BC Protected Areas Research Forum: Conservation Connections, Thompson River University,  Kamloops, BC  December 5, 2013 by Garry Fletcher of  Friends of Ecological Reserves. Presentation Outline: •When Ecological Reserves were first being set up from 1971 on, some universities and colleges in British Columbia went to great lengths to involve their faculty and students in baseline

Race Rocks Field Trip – Sunday, May 12, 2013

Trip Cost: Individual: $35.00 Senior/Student: $30.00 Family: $25.00 plus $15 for each family member on the trip The cost of the trip includes a one year membership in the Friends of Ecological Reserves. For insurance purposes the trip is only available to Members of Friends of Ecological Reserves. For reservations contact Marilyn: marilynlambert1 (use the at