ER #76, Fraser River Warden’s Report 2020

See the interactive pdf version of this map: ER #76 Map – boundary 2011 with notes from Oct 24 2020 visit ER #76, Fraser River – October 24, 2020 by Bill & Bev Ramey Sunshine, 2o to 5o C; strong winds from northeast (Arctic outflow) at 35 km/h and gusts even stronger, so this added

Galiano Island Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement

Primary Role The primary role of Galiano Island Ecological Reserve is to preserve a unique bog in the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) Biogeoclimatic Zone. Within the dry rain shadow forest of the Gulf Islands, this 30-hectare ecological reserve protects an unusual and sensitive bog habitat and a largely undisturbed marsh ecosystem. This ecological reserve contains ericaceous

Skhist ER # 92 Physical and Biological Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To conserve undisturbed ponderosa pine-grassland vegetation. The following is from the BC Parks report. Physical:  The reserve is in the bottom of the deeply incised the river cuts westward through the north end of the Cascade Range to join the Fraser. It consists of gently sloping benchlands which give way to steep, gullied

Yellowpoint Bog ER #139 Overview: Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect a highly diverse mosaic of ecosystem types from aquatic, peat bog and forest to dry-site ecosystems. Physical: The reserve comprises gently undulating lowlands formed by glacially scoured rocks of the cretaceous Nanaimo Formation. For the most part the cover of surficial deposits and soils on the NW-SE trending, rounded ridges is