The Ecological Reserve Act Copyright (c) Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada License Disclaimer This Act is current to March 24, 2021 See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force. ECOLOGICAL RESERVE ACT [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 103 Contents 1 Definitions 2 Purpose 3 Establishing and modifying ecological reserves 4 Publication in

Profiles of the Undeveloped Watersheds on Vancouver Island by Keith Moore 1991

COASTAL WATERSHEDS An Inventory of Watersheds in the Coastal Temperate Forests of British Columbia by Keith Moore with an essay THE COASTAL TEMPERATE RAIN FOREST An Ecosystem Management Perspective By Spencer B. Beebe & Edward C. Wolf A BC ENDANGERED SPACES PROJECT WORKING PAPER Earthlife Canada Foundation & Ecotrust/Conservation International 1991 IMPORTANT NOTE: this document

Ecological Reserves management issues gap Analysis Survey -2021

PDF version: ER Management Issues Gap Analysis Summary update Feb 15 2021 Citation: Feick, Jenny L. Jan. 2021. Ecological Reserves Management Issues Gap Analysis Summary January 2021 Update. Victoria, B.C., Friends of Ecological Reserves, unpublished report. Acknowledgements: This report and the data analysis that supports it were prepared by Jenny Feick and Ian Hatter with

50 Years of ERs

50th Anniversary Timeline – Ecological Reserve Act

50th Anniversary Timeline – Ecological Reserve Act Following Canada’s commitment to implement the International Biological Program in the early 1960s, and scientific studies in the 1950s and 1960s by UBC Plant Ecologist Dr. Vladimir J. Krajina and other academics, Ray Williston, Minister of Forests, Lands and Water Resources supported the concept of protected reserves representing

iNaturalist Biodiversity Surveys in BC Ecological Reserves

Select Language​▼ This article was published in the 2020-21 Autumn/Winter Newsletter (.pdf) 2020-21 Autumn/Winter Newsletter iNaturalist Biodiversity Surveys in BC Ecological Reserves By Brian Starzomski, Kate McKeown and John Reynolds. ………………………………………………………. iNaturalist is the most important development in biodiversity science in at least 100 years. This may sound like hyperbole – that period of time

Resolution on Ecological Reserves System of BC Submitted byVNHS

Resolution 2020-001 -Ecological Reserves System of British Columbia Submitted by Victoria Natural History Society (VNHS) Resolution 2020-001 – Ecological Reserves System of British Columbia Submitted by Victoria Natural History Society (VNHS) Updated Version Prepared by Jenny Feick for the Friends of Ecological Reserves WHEREAS in 1971, the British Columbia Legislature gave unanimous approval to the

Ecological Reserves Management Issues Summary 2020

PDF version: ER Management Issues Gap Analysis Summary-June 16-2020 update to ER wardens    Reserve on Saltspring Island, South Coast Region, April 2019 (Photo by Jenny Feick)  Citation: Feick, Jenny L. 2020. Ecological Reserves Management Issues Summary. Victoria, B.C.: Friends of Ecological Reserves, unpublished report. Acknowledgements: This report and the data analysis that supports it

Management Planning in BC Parks

The members of the Board of Friends of Ecological reserves have recently done a survey of  Ecological reserves, examining which have Management plans.  We were concerned about whether management plans were live and active documents, and the issues that they portrayed. The following is taken from the BC Parks website at: Management Planning Process

BC’s Old Growth Forest: A Last Stand for Biodiversity

This report was published in April 2020 Authors: Karen Price , PhD.,  Rachel F. Holt, PhD., R.P.Bio and Dave Daust R.P.F., M.Sc. See the full pdf of the report here: bcs-old-growth-forest-report-web Conclusions Productive old forest has almost vanished across BC. Low productivity inaccessible old forest remains in some forest types. Forest policy in BC does

BC Parks Enhancement Fund: Potential Funding for Ecological Reserves

BC Parks just posted the invitation to put in an application for conservation work in ecological reserves or other protected areas via the Park Enhancement Fund. This regional PEF funding is intended to support community engagement projects and partnerships across the province. $240,000 is available in total, with $40,000 for each of our six regions

BC Nature Resolution 2020-001 on Ecological Reserves Systems of BC

This resolution has been extracted from the BC Nature Annual Report 2019:p45 Copy of Resolution regarding Ecological Reserves – Annual Report Page 45 Resolution 2020 Resolution 2020-001 -Ecological Reserves System of British Columbia Submitted by Victoria Natural History Society (VNHS) WHEREAS in 1971, the British Columbia Legislature gave unanimous approval to the Ecological Reserve Act,

British Columbia’s Forgotten Gems, its Ecological Reserves

By Jenny L. Feick, PhD On May 4, 1971, the Government of British Columbia became the first jurisdiction in Canada to pass legislation to protect ecological reserves. May 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Ecological Reserves Act and regulations and the establishment of B.C.’s first ecological reserves. Ecological reserves are permanent sanctuaries, located throughout

Constitution of the Friends of Ecological Reserves Society

CONSTITUTION OF THE FRIENDS OF ECOLOGICAL RESERVES SOCIETY ARTICLES: 1. The name of the Society is “F.E.R.” Friends of Ecological Reserves Society” (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”). 2. The purposes of the Society are: (a)To promote the establishment, management, and maintenance of Ecological Reserves in British Columbia, including the acquisition of land for Ecological

Conservation of the Coastal Douglas Fir Ecosystem

From The Friends of Ecological reserves Newsletter Autumn/Winter, 2016 By Garry Fletcher The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves has attempted over the past two years to get the government departments of BC Parks and BC Forests Lands and Natural Resources to clarify the process needed for the establishment of Ecological Reserves. Since we have

BC Fossil Site Management Problems, Solutions & Opportunities” AGM , March 7, 2014

Dr. Bruce Archibald was our keynote speaker at the Friends of Ecological Reserve Annual General Meeting on March 7, 2014.  Mike and I were fortunate to hear an excellent presentation by Dr. Archibald at the Parks Research Forum in Kamloops in January, and fortunately he was able to fit this into his schedule.  GF  A