Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell sent this report today:
- cool at 10c,with a light breeze at times under a cloudy sky, with some sunshine,followed by drizzle that turned to light rain. The rain and sore knee shortened my tour. Very quiet.
- I saw or heard only 8 bird species,but surprised and delighted to hear a Western Bluebird that was migrating.
- I saw one grasshopper.
- some coyote scat was the first that I have seen in the reserve for a long time; no doubt because there is little food to attract them.
Rabbit brush (Ericameria nauseosa)
most plants were in seed,but some were in flower including: Wavy-leaved Thistle(Cirsium undulatum),Douglas’ Knot weed(Polygonum douglasii),Tarragon(Artemesia dracunculus;also in bud),Long-leaved Daisy(Erigeron corymbosus),Common Rabbitbush(Ericamera nauseosus),Golden Aster(Heterotheca villosa),Brown-eyed Susan(Gaillardia aristata) and Curlycup Gumweed(Grindelia squarrosa). Regarding invasive plants,I pulled 3 small Sulphur Cinquefoil (Potentilla recta), found no Diffuse Knapweed( Centaurea diffusa) and noted numerous Dalmatian Toadflax( Lineria genistifolia) plants in flower on the east slope.
- there was no sign of human activity in the reserve.
- the fence at the 12th green of the golf course is being broken down as golfers seek errant golf balls on the reserve.