
AGM – Friends of Ecological Reserves

Posted June 4, 2023 | Categories : Annual Reports,Climate change,Friends of Ecological reserves |

See the pdf version here:
AGM-2023 poster-final-May 24-2023

Friends of Ecological Reserves
Invite You to Our Virtual Annual General Meeting Wednesday June 7, 2023 AGM

The business meeting will begin at
7:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Our guest speaker, Ian Adams will begin his talk on Key Biodiversity Areas at 7:30 p.m.   Please see below for the registration information.

Register in advance for this meeting by clicking on the link below:

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Key Biodiversity Areas in BC: Identifying Sites of Exceptional Conservation Value

Key Biodiversity Areas in BC: Identifying Sites of Exceptional Conservation Value

One of the most effective ways to safeguard wildlife and wild places is through the improved management and protection of areas of special importance. Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are sites that contribute to the persistence of biodiversity nationally and globally. Found across land, freshwater, and marine environments, KBAs are sites that support rare and threatened species and ecosystems, as well as key natural processes, and are identied using a standardized, quantitative approach. Canada is one of the rst countries to mount a comprehensive program to identify all of its KBAs. To date, some 200 KBAs have been identied in BC, drawing on the expertise of regional taxonomic experts, ecologists and other knowledge holders. KBAs will help inform land use planning processes, identify new protected areas and provide opportunities for meeting conservation targets. KBAs and Ecological Reserves have much in common. They overlap where values represented in Ecological Reserves meet KBA criteria. Ian’s talk will look at how KBAs might raise awareness of Ecological Reserves and possibly identify sites worthy of future ER recognition.

Ian Adams is a wildlife ecologist based near Cranbrook in the East Kootenays. Though currently BC Coordinator for Key Biodiversity Areas with Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada, Ian has worked on a wide range of regional wildlife projects for over 25 years with species ranging from tailed frogs to urban deer. He lives outside Cranbrook with his wife and two “children” who aren’t kids anymore. He enjoys photography and has particular difculty walking past a ower with a camera.

See the pdf version here:
AGM-2023 poster-final-May 24-2023

Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER)
Board of Directors Invitation

FER is a B.C. focused, registered not-for-profit Canadian charity formed in 1982. The current Board members invite those with an interest in protecting terrestrial and marine ecosystems, biodiversity and BC’s ecological integrity to consider joining this volunteer organization. We hold monthly Board meetings from Sept to June using zoom technology. Expectations of FER Board Directors are that you:

·  Agree to participate in a 1–2 hour monthly Board meeting scheduled on a weekday evening, and share insights and knowledge in support of the ER system to further the management, conservation and stewardship of ecological reserves in B.C.

·  Be informed in your opinions and temper your input based on the best available scientific information.

·  Carry a belief that there can be improvements to the status quo management of B.C. Crown lands.

·  Contribute your knowledge and participate respectfully and collaboratively in discussions to reach agreement on FER Board policy, decisions, and actions.

·  Be familiar with the five goals in the FER Strategic Plan (posted on our website, which guide the actions FER takes to advance these goals.

·  Agree to review the minutes and the agenda, complete and report on the background work and action items you agree to undertake, and when it is needed, communicate with the Board members between meetings.

Consider joining the FER Board!
Contact Rick Page by email (rick-page (use the @sign)
or phone (250-882-4308) expressing your interest.