FER meets with FLNRO .. December 2014 on Process for Ecological Reserve Creation

See the PDF version: lidstone From: Mike Fenger, President, Friends of Ecological Reserves511 Foul Bay Road Victoria BC V8S 4G9 To Allan Lidstone, Director, Resource Management Objectives. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Allan.lidstone@gov.bc.ca P.O. Box 9352 Stn Provincial Govt Victoria BC V8W 9M1 Re Meeting between FER representatives and Allan Lidstone, FLNRO,

Images of Tankers and Animals at Race Rocks.

The vessel traffic lane in the Strait of Juan de Fuca is very narrow and it lies within 3 to 5 nautical miles of the boundary of Race Rocks Ecological Reserve.  The ecoguardians at the Race Rocks Ecological reserve have contributed photos of the local fauna, with marine vessels, including tankers in the background  and

Letter of Support for the BC Government Motion of Dec 5 from the Board of FER

RE: Notice of Motion by the Province of British Columbia submitted December 5, 2014 OH -01- 2014 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (“Trans Mountain”) Trans Mountain Expansion Project (the “Project”) File Number OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 02 As an Intervenor in the above mentioned application, the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserve’s (Board of FER )provides the following comments

Marine Oil Spill Information System (OSRIS)

The B.C. Marine Oil Spill Information System (OSRIS) is a multimedia/GIS computer system to help prepare and respond to marine oil spills. Accessed Dec 2014 at http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=066E966C3AA7432987469A852A76B5F9 The strength of OSRIS lies with its detailed coastal inventory. Based on this inventory, a sophisticated computer modeling program figures out the sensitivity of each shoreline unit. The

Fraser River Islands ER #76 Warden’s report December 7, 2014

Ecological Reserve #76, Fraser River Islands – December 7, 2014 By Ecological Reserve Wardens Bill and Bev Ramey Sunshine, 8 to 10o C, some high thin clouds, cold breeze mid-day blowing downriver. Water level at Mission: 1.8 m to 0.8 m Water level at Hope: 3.8 m Arrive islands 10:30 am; Leave islands 3:40 pm.

Publications from Triangle Island Research

Ed note: This page was accessed at http://www.sfu.ca/biology/wildberg/bertram/triangle/trgpubs.html in December 2014. Note some links were not working at that time. Also note the lack of reference to the full title that should be used : “Triangle Island ( Anne Vallee) Ecological Reserve” Papers in Refereed JournalsHipfner, J.M., M.R. Charete and G.S. Blackburn. In press. Subcolony

Table including Kinder Morgan/Transmountain’s response to FER

In the first round of information requests , FER submitted 14 questions and had responses issued from Trans Mountain. We reviewed those answers and found that most of them were wholly inadequate as proper responses .  Most of their justifications for their responses to our round one information requests which we rated as inadequate came

Material Safety Data Sheet for Diluted Bitumin (Dilbit)

From the National Energy Board we can find out what is in Dilbit and what precautions we need when it lands on the shores of our Ecological Reserves. You can see the original in this link : or as copied in the images below: https://docs.neb-one.gc.ca/ll-eng/llisapi.dll/fetch/2000/90464/90552/548311/956726/2392873/2450810/2478758/2522888/Material_Safety_Data_Sheet_-_Diluted_Bitumen_-_A4A9D1.pdf?nodeid=2508614&vernum=-2 ALSO: The following link gives the Occupational and Health Guidelines