Publications from Triangle Island Research

Ed note: This page was accessed at in December 2014. Note some links were not working at that time. Also note the lack of reference to the full title that should be used : “Triangle Island ( Anne Vallee) Ecological Reserve” Papers in Refereed JournalsHipfner, J.M., M.R. Charete and G.S. Blackburn. In press. Subcolony

Marine Ecological Reserves : Their Future in an Oil-Spill disaster. G. Fletcher

The threat of a disastrous oil spill that would devastate some  marine ecological reserves in BC is looming ever larger.  Proposals for two separate sets of Pipelines to the Coast of British Columbia and the ensuing transport of diluted tar-sands bitumen ( dilbit) by giant tankers are now being considered by our governments. The first

Predation on seabird eggs by Keen’s mice (Peromyscus keeni): using stable isotopes to decipher the diet of a terrestrial omnivore on a remote offshore island

M.C. Drever, L.K. Blight, K.A. Hobson, and D.F. Bertram Abstract: We used stable isotope techniques to analyze tissues of Keen’s mice (Peromyscus keeni) and Townsend’s voles (Microtus townsendii cowani) and a subset of prey items at Triangle Island, British Columbia, western Canada’s largest seabird colony. Isotope analysis allowed us to investigate the importance of seabird