Fraser River Islands Ecological Reserve Wardens Reports April 12 2014

This report was submitted by Bill and Bev Ramey  who were accompanied by Kurtis Hayne and Heather Ulmer. ER #76 – April 12, 2014 Sunshine, 17 degrees C, moderate wind picked up around 1pm, but then died down by late afternoon. Water level at Mission: 0.3 metre to 1.4 metre Water level at Hope: 3.7

Species list for Trout Creek Ecological Reserve–2014

Laurie Rockwell  sent this most recent update for the Species List for Trout Creek E ological reserve. Scientific name Common name Type source Native/Nonnative comments Acer glabrum Douglas maple tree Rockwell N Achillea millefolium yarrow forb Larmour N Achnatherum nelsonii Columbia needlegrass grass Larmour N Agoseris glauca short-beaked agoseris forb Rockwell N Alyssum desertorum desert

Trout Creek Ecological Reserve Warden’s Report April 6, 2014

Laurie Rockwell reports on his visit to the Trout Creek ER today. It was a wonderful spring morning: 10c at 8:00 AM, some overcast, blue sky, some sun and brisk wind at times. I saw or heard 12 species of birds including White-breasted, Pygmy and Red-breasted Nuthatches, an infrequently seen Downy Woodpecker, 2 Violet-green Swallows

The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves accepted as an Intervenor in the NEB hearings into the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline expansion.

Just issued today: The Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves is included as one of the 400 intervenors accepted out of the 2118 who had applied to present to the National Energy Board as an Intervenor in Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the pipeline through Alberta and British Columbia. Our application submitted in early February