Okanagan Region Invasive Plant Strategy 2006                  

 Prepared by Judy Millar and Crystal Klym–16 pages 2.0 invasive plant program background ESD, Okanogan region manages 330,791 ha of protected lands. Diverse ecosystems thrive within these lands and include sensitive grasslands, fertile riparian areas, fragile alpine meadows and productive forests these ecosystems, which provide critical habitat for many of British Columbia’s rare and

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report : Misty Lake sticklebacks ,Gasterosteus sp.

SPECIES INFORMATION: The Misty Lake sticklebacks, a highly divergent parapatric lake-stream pair of threespine stickleback, are found in a single small lake on Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC). Similar parapatric lake-stream pairs have also been well documented in two other systems in BC, Mayer and Drizzle lakes on Graham Island (Queen Charlotte Islands). These pairs