
Kotcho Lake Purpose Statement

Posted July 13, 2006 | Categories : 148,Management,Maps |

Primary Role

The primary role of the Kotcho Lake Ecological Reserve is to protect Colonial
Waterbird nesting sites and their migration stop over. This reserve includes two flat
islands (partly boggy) and an area around the mouth of Kotcho River. Kotcho Lake is a
large, very shallow lake located within the Etsho Plateau ecosection, a region of
extensive muskeg, lowlands and rolling plateau dominated by Boreal White and Black
The Lake is a site of traditional First Nation settlement, and contains a significant fishery
and significant cultural and archaeological values.

See the full PDF here:kotcho_lk_er_ps

: kotcholake

Known Management Issues
 First Nation’s have a significant interest in the  management of this site
Response: Work with Fort Nelson First Nation towards a  collaborative management agreement for the  ecological reserve
Recreational visitation to this site is  inappropriate due to breeding bird colonies
and presence of a First Nation burial site
Response:Prevent recreational visitation by not  disclosing precise location or facilitating

Representation  – ecosection:  Kotcho Lake Ecological Reserve is located  within the Etsho Plateau Ecosection. Only  0.01% of this ecosection is represented in  the protected areas system. This ER  contributes almost half (48%) of that  representation.
biogeoclimatic subzone/variant Kotcho Lake Ecological Reserve makes an
insignificant contribution (less that 1%) to the protected areas system representation of the BWBSmw 2 (boreal white and black spruce, moist, warm) variant, of which 2.18% is protected province wide.

Cultural Heritage
Special Feature First Nation’s burial site

Other Management Considerations

Relationship to other PAs The ecological reserve is located adjacent  to the Kotcho Lake Village Site Provincial  Park.
Collaborative Management Arrangements This ecological reserve will, once the agreement is signed, be subject to the  Memorandum of Agreement respecting the management of provincial parks between  the Government of BC and the Treaty 8 First Nations.

Area: 64 hectares

Date of establishment: June 29, 2000