Meridian Road (Vanderhoof) Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement

The Meridian Road (Vanderhoof) Ecological Reserve is located 40 km south of Vanderhoof. The ecological reserve is 262 ha in size, and preserves a sample of mature Engelmann Spruce – Subalpine Fir forest representative of uplands within the Nechako Plateau. Meridian Road marks the northeast boundary of the ecological reserve. See the FULL PDF: meridian_ps

Galiano Island Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement

Primary Role The primary role of Galiano Island Ecological Reserve is to preserve a unique bog in the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) Biogeoclimatic Zone. Within the dry rain shadow forest of the Gulf Islands, this 30-hectare ecological reserve protects an unusual and sensitive bog habitat and a largely undisturbed marsh ecosystem. This ecological reserve contains ericaceous

San Juan Ridge Purpose Statement 2003

Primary Role The primary role of San Juan Ridge Ecological Reserve is to protect a rare and disjunct population of the white glacier lily, sub-alpine mountain hemlock vegetation, and subalpine wetlands. Overlooking rugged Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, this 130-hectare mountainous ecological reserve has a northerly aspect, ridgetop winds, and deep snowfall that result in