Forestry Policy Update on Rubus nivalis

When we were concerned about the logging policies in the Elphinstone area , the BC Timber Sales  Interim Management Protocol for Rubus nivalis was outlined. Since then there has been an update on the status of this species PDF of the Policy :tsg_rubus_nivalis_protocol_update_May_2012 May 2012 Page 1 Rubus Nivalis: Rationale for Discontinuing Protocol (May 2012)

Pink Mountain : A Proposed Ecological Reserve Candidate #155

Summary by Mike Fenger Ron Long has worked extensively on promoting Ecological reserve Status for Pink Mountain. He has organized field trips and promoted field research that has illustrated the unique  biodiversity of Pink Mountain.  See his report here: Pink Mountain Alpine plateau in the Boreal Altai Fescue Alpine Zone (BAFA) zone approx. 180

The Unique Biodiversity of Pink Mountain-

Ron Long has assembled this report on field research that illustrates the unique  biodiversity of Pink Mountain. This is an area that the Friends of Ecological Reserve considers to have the ideal characteristics to be designated as an Ecological Reserve. See this 11 Mg pdf:   Pink Mountain report here:  Pink Mountain See this 11

Mount Tuam Management Plan 2012

1.1 Management Plan Purpose  The purpose of this management plan is to provide strategic management direction for Mount Tuam Ecological Reserve . This management plan replaces the 2003 Mount Tuam Ecological Reserve Purpose Statement.  The primary objectives of the management plan are to:   •outline the role the ecological reserve plays in British Columbia ’s(BC)

San Juan Ridge Purpose Statement 2003

Primary Role The primary role of San Juan Ridge Ecological Reserve is to protect a rare and disjunct population of the white glacier lily, sub-alpine mountain hemlock vegetation, and subalpine wetlands. Overlooking rugged Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, this 130-hectare mountainous ecological reserve has a northerly aspect, ridgetop winds, and deep snowfall that result in


ALPINE PLANT COMMUNITIES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND THEIR OCCURRENCE IN EXISTING OR PROPOSED ECOLOGICAL RESERVES by George W. Douglas Douglas Ecological Consultants Ltd. 2049 Crescent Road Victoria, B.C. V8S 2G9 1980 Alpine vegetation in British Columbia has received little attention from scientists and land managers. Unfortunately, most of the work that has been done remains