Summary of 2019 Activities,Warden Report Cougar Canyon Ecological Reserve, ER #108

Warden Report Cougar Canyon Ecological Reserve, ER #108 by Harold Sellers ER Warden:  Denis Seymour (deceased), Roseanne Van Ee (long term disability), Val Buchanan (moved away), Harold  Sellers Volunteer hours logged in 2019 : 5 hrs Visits : 1 Mileage : 26 km First Visit of the Year: 11 July 2019 On this date I joined three BC Parks rangers and

Warden’s Report, Trout Creek Ecological Reserve, Oct 5. 2014

Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell reports on his trip to his reserve: ◦  it was an absolutely superb fall day;15c at 8.30,a periodic light breeze, and sunshine flirting for prominence with wispy clouds. ◦  I saw of heard 15 species of birds that were for the most part active and vocal. I was delighted to

McQueen Creek Biological and Physical Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect vegetation typical of the Middle Grassland in interior British Columbia Physical: The reserve lies in the Batchelor Hills area of the Thompson Plateau, adjacent to the valley of the North Thompson River. Soils are predominantly dark brown Chernozems of the McQueen Association, developed on morainal deposits. These are well drained soils