Warden’s Report, Trout Creek Ecological Reserve, Oct 5. 2014

Ecological Reserve Warden Laurie Rockwell reports on his trip to his reserve: ◦  it was an absolutely superb fall day;15c at 8.30,a periodic light breeze, and sunshine flirting for prominence with wispy clouds. ◦  I saw of heard 15 species of birds that were for the most part active and vocal. I was delighted to

Trout Creek Ecological Reserve Warden report, July 7, 2013

Laurie Rockwell writes this report for July 7, 2013 it was mild early morning at 15c,with little wind and later sunshine. I saw/heard 18 species of birds,none of them unexpected.I heard 3-4 blue-listed Gray Flycatchers. The White-breasted Nuthatch nest,with parents feeding nestlings, that I found last month was abandoned. I presume the nestlings fledged as