Warden Report
Cougar Canyon Ecological Reserve, ER #108
by Harold Sellers
ER Warden: Denis Seymour (deceased), Roseanne Van Ee (long term disability), Val Buchanan (moved away), Harold Sellers
Volunteer hours logged in 2019 : 5 hrs
Visits : 1
First Visit of the Year: 11 July 2019
On this date I joined three BC Parks rangers and staff for an exploratory hike into the very northern-most edge of the ER. On this trip we did not reach any of the ponds/lakes in the canyon bottom.
Starting from the rock climbers parking lot in Kalamalka Park, but outside the ER, we hiked on the trail used by climbers. A short distance past the base of the popular climbing cliffs we found evidence of climbers exploring and using smaller cliffs just outside of the ER. Following an old road inside the ER we found some clearing of deadfalls, possibly indicating climbers have been exploring for new opportunities. A nearby ER sign would have informed them that they were inside the ER. From our observations we concluded that intrusions are few and minor at this time.
Climbing up onto the western ridge of the canyon, we found one small, unmapped pond with abundant bird life around it. Sagebrush Mariposa Lilies were in bloom and abundant. Bluebunch Wheatgrass was abundant, healthy and, in many cases, particularly tall (100 cm or more).