COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Northern Abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana in Canada

COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Northern Abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana in Canada See the PDF: bcabalone Status: Endangered Alpha-numeric code: A2bd Reasons for Designation: Highly valued for its meat, this marine mollusc is patchily distributed along the west coast of Canada. Despite a total moratorium on harvest in 1990, the species was designated as

Temporal Spacing of Demolitions to Mitigate Demolition Training Impacts in Military Training Area WQ oc Sea Lions in the Race Rocks E.R. B.C.

LGL  Ltd has done  research for DND  for several years in response to complaints from the public using Race Rocks as a centre for observation. Typical patterns of blasting on Bentinck Island in the past have resulted in disturbance of sea lions at  Race Rocks. See the PDF:

Development of Scientifically-based Guidelines for Viewing Seabirds

Seabird nest and roost sites are important to maintenance of BC’s biodiversity and many of the important nest colonies are protected in Ecological Reserves and Parks. Disturbance to wildlife is a major issue that park and wildlife managers routinely face, yet information to assess threat is often not available, —-Need to set guidelines based on

Environmental Monitoring at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve related to the Tidal Current Generator Installation at Race Rocks

Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine did these reports under contract from Lester Pearson College in the initial phases of the environmental impact assessment study for the Tidal Generator. Interim Report: Final report:

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: An Unusual Model of Reserve Management

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: An Unusual Model of Reserve Management The following article is also printed complete with hyperlinks to relevant parts of the Race Rocks website at On October 3 a group of 20 of the Friends of Ecological Reserves made a trip to Race Rocks in the Pearson College Boats with  Garry

The epiphytic community of Pterygophora californica: Race Rocks MPA, British Columbia

Abstract Epiphytic algal growth comprises a large and complex community of the sublittoral Pacific Northwest. However, very little is known concerning population composition or dynamics in non-obligate epiphytic communities. This study aims to shed light on the epiphytic community on Pterygophora californica stipes through the population interactions of Nereocystis luetkeana and Laminaria saccharina. P. californica

Race Rocks Digital Herbarium by Ryan Murphy 2002

Race Rocks Digital Herbarium by Ryan Murphy of Mt.Allison University Biology Department. 2002.  A project that Ryan did while staying at Race Rocks as a summer student in 2002. Ryan took his own pictures underwater and organized this project. He was  supported by the Leadership Mount Allison Academic Initiative. see Also: The epiphytic community

Public Process and the Creation of a Marine Protected Area at Race Rocks, British Columbia.

Abstract The creation of a marine protected area in British Columbia is a political process that must reconcile the wants of several jurisdictions and interests. One forum for consultation and reconciliation is a consensus process, where individuals representing differing interests engage in long-term, face-to-face discussions, seeking agreement on strategy, plans, policies, and actions. LeRoy, S.,

Intertidal Zonation of Halosaccion glandiforme: A focus on height and slope as factors of zonation

EXTENDED ESSAY IN BIOLOGY Intertidal Zonation  of Halosaccion glandiforme: A Focus on height and slope  as factors of zonation. ALEX C. FLETCHER, JANUARY 14, 2002 Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific See the original at this link ABSTRACT An intertidal study of the organism Halosaccion glandiforme was performed at Race Rocks Marine Protected Area

Evaluating the Effects of Three Forms of Marine Reserve on Northern Abalone Populations in British Columbia, Canada

Author S. Scott Wallace Article first published online: 24 DEC 2001, Conservation Biology Volume 13, Issue 4, pages 882–887, August 1999 DOI: 10.1046/j.1523-1739.1999.98117.x Abstract: Marine reserves have been suggested as tools for assisting the management of fisheries by protecting vulnerable marine species from overexploitation. Although there is a theoretical basis for believing that marine reserves may serve as management tools,