Torkelson Lake Ecological Reserve #73 Warden Report March 2023

BC Ecological Reserve Warden Report ER Name: _Torkelson­­­­_______ Ecological Reserve # __73 ____   Report Date: _____26 March 2023__ Warden Name: Kevin Tyler_ Travel /  Timings. We departed Smithers at 8:30 am.  It was ~85 mins drive one way.  We started snowshoeing at 10 am; I arrived back at the vehicle at 2:15 pm, and back

Sunbeam Creek ER #39 Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE: To protect a variety of alpine communities representative of the westrern edge of the Rocky Mountains. McBride Peak, 5.5 km NE of the town of McBride 53o21’N 120o06’W 1,830-2,270 m. Access to vicinity of reserve is available by foot or four-wheel drive vehicle up fire lookout road, east of McBride. See the complete

Sikanni Chief River ER #46, Biological and Physical : Overview

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To conserve alpine-subalpine ecosystems representative of the northern Rocky Mountains CURRENT PURPOSE To conserve the northern most occurrence of Engelmann spruce in the Rocky Mountains OVERVIEW Physical Featuring spectacular alpine terrain in the heart of the northern Rockies, this triangular reserve encompasses the watersheds of two small streams that flow southwest into Sikanni

Gamble Creek ER #133 Overview: Biological and Physical

ORIGINAL PURPOSE To protect representative north-coastal forest stands and bog vegetation for research on tree species and ecosystem classification Physical: The reserve is at the western edge of the granitic Kitimat Ranges, and contains rounded mountains which were over-topped by Pleistocene glaciers moving westward to the sea. Mountain slopes facing all compass directions are present.

Torkelson Lake Ecological Reserve Biological and Physical Overview

From the BC Parks Website. ORIGINAL PURPOSE To retain an accessible northern bog-forest complex for research and educational uses See the Full PDF:Torkelsen Lake ER 73 Physical: This reserve is on flanked by mountains rising to 1200 m or higher. Except for a hill on its western side, most of the reserve is flat and