Level The Playing Field for NEB’s Pipeline Projects Conditions

From The Friends of Ecological reserves Newsletter Autumn/Winter, 2016 By Mike Fenger and Garry Fletcher The summer LOG 2015 included the Executive Summary of the final written evidence from the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves (Board of FER) sent to the National Energy Board (NEB) in May 2015. We focused our concerns on the

Planning to Fail or Failing to Plan: A Case for New Protected Areas Vision for BC

By Mike Fenger and Jenny Feick, Ph.D. From The LOG, the Friends of Ecological Reserves Newsletter, Autumn-Winter 2013 To LOG readers:  Below is one of the presentations that Friends of Ecological Reserves made while participating in the 4th BC Protected Areas Research Forum held December 3 – 5, 2013 in Kamloops, BC. (See Forum agenda

Failing To Plan Or Planning To Fail: A Case For A New Protected Areas Vision In BC

Mike Fenger and Jenny Feick, Ph.D. We are critical of conservation initiatives and the messaging to British Columbians of the adequacy and success of conservation measures within existing Parks and the areas between Parks. A new approach is desperately needed. We provide both evidence of current shortcomings and elements integral to a new conservation vision.

Scott Islands and The Marine Wildlife Area Designation Process

An Update by Mike Fenger Background There is a process lead by the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) of Environment Canada to establish a Marine Wildlife Protected Area (MWA) for the Scott Islands. This is part of the Federal Government’s Health of the Oceans Initiative. From: THE LOG    FRIENDS OF ECOLOGICAL RESERVES NEWSLETTER AUTUMN/WINTER 2010 The

Grassland Ecology and Classification Symposium Proceedings, 1982

Poster Session: Characteristics and Distribution of Chernozemic soils in the Ashcroft map area. by M.  Fenger The objective  of this paper  used to describe the topographic and geographic distribution of the Chernozemic great groups and some selected subgroups within the Ashcroft map area. Chernozemic soils are not extensive within British Columbia; the Ashcroft map area