Pink Mountain : A Proposed Ecological Reserve Candidate #155

Summary by Mike Fenger

Ron Long has worked extensively on promoting Ecological reserve Status for Pink Mountain. He has organized field trips and promoted field research that has illustrated the unique  biodiversity of Pink Mountain.  See his report here:

Pink Mountain Alpine plateau in the Boreal Altai Fescue Alpine Zone (BAFA) zone approx. 180 km north of Fort St John.

Rationale for conservation: Protect highest concentration of red and blue listed species in central and northern BC unique to this deep soil limestone ridge. Educational and research values of rare alpine ecosystems accessible by road from the Alaska Highway.

Approximate size: 4200 ha an area approximately 1/3 of the Pink Mountain (PM) alpine ridge adjacent to current PM Provincial Park.

Additional notes: UBC Botany 2014 (on going). Field studies mapping  plant communities and collection of voucher specimens. PM Park protects fossils.