Ecological Reserve Wardens Meeting Summary

Ecological Reserve Wardens Meeting Summary Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 11.00.58 PM

Ecological Reserve Wardens Meeting Summary (pdf)


The meeting started off with a beautiful and powerful welcome by Geraldine Manson, Elder in Residence at Vancouver Island University. In it, she acknowledged the long history of the land, the connection we all have to it, and the shared desire to protect it.

Steve Lane, Associate Vice-President of Academic Planning and Aboriginal Initiatives from the Office of the Provost welcomed us to VIU. He recalled a letter he wrote when he was 11 years old, expressing a desire to one day become a park ranger, noting that he has always valued the experience of being on the land. Perhaps he would like to consider becoming an ER Warden!

ER Warden Presentations

Six ER Wardens shared pictures and stories about the ERs they work in. These were fascinating and varied stories that capture the wide range of ecosystems our ERs protect, the diverse issues that they face and the fascinating research that happens within them.

Read the summaries of each presentation, with photos.